

2020-04-17 13:49:41 Brittle Set author to 'Dep / Trilobit' (link)
2020-04-17 13:49:29 Brittle Set author to 'Dep + zov' (link)
2020-04-17 13:49:16 Brittle Updated Dep's credit on It's time for the percolator: Graphics (Video) (link) (link2)
2020-04-17 13:49:03 Brittle Updated Dep's credit on DATASPHERE: Other (unknown) (link) (link2)
2020-04-17 13:48:50 Brittle Set author to 'Dep' (link)
2020-04-17 13:48:39 Brittle Updated Dep's credit on Tai Bao Capsule: Code (link) (link2)
2020-04-17 13:48:01 Brittle Added Appas as a member of Trilobit (link) (link2)
2020-04-17 13:47:52 Brittle Added Appas as a member of Bilotrip (link) (link2)
2020-04-17 13:47:05 Brittle Added nick 'Dep' (link)
2020-04-17 13:38:25 Brittle Added Appas as a member of Naemok (link) (link2)
2020-04-17 13:37:53 Brittle Added links:, (link)
2020-04-17 13:37:02 Brittle Added nick 'dEpressio' (link)
2020-04-17 13:35:13 Brittle Deleted group 'HUONO'
2020-04-17 13:35:06 Brittle Added links:, (link)
2020-04-17 13:34:06 Brittle Set author to 'HUONO' (link)
2020-04-17 13:33:45 Brittle Added nick 'HUONO' (link)
2020-04-17 13:29:51 Brittle Added Appas as a member of Valmet Children (link) (link2)
2020-04-17 13:29:44 Brittle Converted Valmet Children from a scener to a group (link)
2020-04-16 00:28:30 Brittle Added Mrvux as a member of Rebels (link) (link2)
2020-04-15 11:01:16 Brittle Set location to United Kingdom (link)
2020-04-14 18:07:58 Brittle Added Leviathan as a member of Vertigo (link) (link2)
2020-04-14 18:07:00 Brittle Set location to Canada (link)
2020-04-14 18:04:26 Brittle Deleted scener 'loveJesus'
2020-04-14 18:04:20 Brittle Added links:, (link)
2020-04-14 18:03:28 Brittle Set author to 'loveJesus' (link)
2020-04-14 18:03:16 Brittle Set author to 'loveJesus' (link)
2020-04-14 18:03:00 Brittle Set author to 'loveJesus' (link)
2020-04-14 18:02:42 Brittle Set author to 'loveJesus' (link)
2020-04-14 18:02:29 Brittle Set author to 'loveJesus' (link)
2020-04-14 18:02:14 Brittle Set author to 'loveJesus' (link)
2020-04-14 18:01:50 Brittle Updated loveJesus's membership of Vertigo: set as ex-member (link) (link2)
2020-04-14 18:01:42 Brittle Edited nick 'loveJesus': set as primary nick (link)
2020-04-14 18:01:32 Brittle Added nick 'loveJesus' (link)
2020-04-14 18:01:15 Brittle Set location to United States (link)
2020-04-14 18:01:08 Brittle Set real name (link)
2020-04-14 18:00:59 Brittle Added links:, (link)
2020-04-13 17:33:53 Brittle Edited notes (link)
2020-04-13 17:33:12 Brittle Edited notes (link)
2020-04-13 17:32:52 Brittle Edited notes (link)
2020-04-13 13:31:25 Brittle Set location to Italy (link)
2020-04-13 12:00:51 Brittle Set location to Luxembourg (link)
2020-04-13 09:31:55 Brittle Added Break as a member of mfx (link) (link2)
2020-04-12 23:03:51 Brittle Set location to Finland (link)
2020-04-12 23:03:33 Brittle Added Crayfish77 as a member of Desire (link) (link2)
2020-04-12 22:52:18 Brittle Set location to Bulgaria (link)
2020-04-12 22:25:58 Brittle Updated competition placing info for Netflex und Chill in Revision 2020 Amiga Demo competition (link) (link2)
2020-04-12 19:35:36 Brittle Added Fatal Snipe as a member of Russian Massive Digital Aggression (link) (link2)
2020-04-12 19:14:27 Brittle Added credit for Poison on Morte Subita: Graphics (link) (link2)
2020-04-12 19:14:09 Brittle Added credit for 6R6 on Morte Subita: Music (link) (link2)
2020-04-12 19:13:56 Brittle Added credit for Oswald on Morte Subita: Code (link) (link2)