
Fix me beautiful

vincenzo - 17:05 3 April 2024 #

just like what happened right now. double clicked on the submit button and my comment appeared twice. sorry for that.

porocyon - 19:21 3 April 2024 #

Not sure where to best ask this, but:

* The infotext of https://demozoo.org/platforms/30/ should probably list NanoBoyAdvance https://github.com/nba-emu/NanoBoyAdvance (and maybe even remove VBA-M from the list, the latter is rather inaccurate)
* The infotext of https://demozoo.org/platforms/32/ should probably list melonDS https://melonds.kuribo64.net/ , it works on Linux, macOS and Windows, and there's also an Android port, all while being more accurate than the emulators already listed.
* The infotext of https://demozoo.org/platforms/37/ and https://demozoo.org/platforms/38/ (and maybe the GBA page too) should probably list SkyEmu http://skyemu.app/ , it works on Android, FreeBSD, iOS, Linux, macOS and Windows, while also being more accurate than VBA-M (which, again, should probably be removed)

usual - 15:12 4 April 2024 #


same person, please merge

and these two as well:


menace - 10:52 5 April 2024 #

porocyon: Here is fine! :) The emulator lists are not terribly updated, so great that you took the opportunity to help out with that.

I chose to not remove VBA-M, as the project on its new home on GitHub seems active at least, with updates in the last few days.

menace - 11:02 5 April 2024 #

usual: Done.

mnemotron - 11:35 7 April 2024 #

Hi, I just realized this is a school friend of mine and asked him about it:

He was NOT affilliated with groups "Home Boys" and "The Remix Crew".

I might come up with more information later.

mnemotron - 11:45 7 April 2024 #

I just realized how to edit that myself. :-D

AMcBain - 02:41 9 April 2024 #

The real name field seems to require privs I don't have.

Is it possible to get that updated. Legally the site is correct, but IRL (outside of the demoscene) I have been going by Alastair since at least May 2022.

Thank you. 🙂

menace - 19:34 9 April 2024 #

AMcBain: Fixed.

Vlad - 10:31 10 April 2024 #


I'm Vlad, my page is - demozoo.org/sceners/58057/

Can you correct an entry? I only have one release at present, which is "Better Late Than Never". If you can remove the "Maggie 11 Interview" entry as that's nothing to do with me. Thanks.

usual - 15:34 10 April 2024 #


this is actually the same song, please merge

bifat - 17:53 10 April 2024 #


This production is not ai-generated, and nobody knows this better than the authors.
Please remove tag ai-generated and unprotect.

emoon - 08:54 11 April 2024 #

The tag has now been changed to ai-generated-graphics

bifat - 10:54 11 April 2024 #

The authors are right here to curate their production.
Unprotect and remove the tag ai-generated-graphics.
Get that right lamos.

menace - 11:15 11 April 2024 #

bifat: I'll unprotect now, but two points: If you insist on this tone, then you get a timeout. And second, the person who created the graphics has very clearly confirmed they were ai generated. We'd appreciate it if you do not attempt to delete this valid information once more.

Hoping for a more peaceful coexistence in the future.

bifat - 11:28 11 April 2024 #

ai-generated-graphics is inappropriate and not adequately indicative of the artistic process in my opinion. I will discuss this with the others and we will leave it or remove it as we see fit, without further notice.

Greippi - 13:01 11 April 2024 #

I try to find fairly good average. (Referring to "notorious" TM2)

It is quite possible that in a production, in future or in the past, the story and storyboard is 100% living human made. Rest could come from various sources (including "cheat" = AI) and this should be stated somehow (for the sake of authenticity of demoscene productions (= different cultural value)).

In TM2, actual graphical source is 95% AI (prompted). However, the notably big amount of Artwork Editing was required for the story consistency. This is obviously an artistic choice to "improve" the images by hand.

On my behalf it is ok to tag AI-GENERATED GFX (= all or parts of the production graphics are from AI sources).

Dyslectic-Bi - 08:09 13 April 2024 #

Hello. Can you replace "Bit", https://demozoo.org/sceners/6130/ with Dysletic-Bi please.
I have come out of the closet, and wish to be known.

ericorsio - 10:50 17 April 2024 #

Please delete the accidental dupe of LayerOne party: https://demozoo.org/parties/4977/ Also, it seems that the official addition isn't merged: https://demozoo.org/parties/4975/

ps1ch - 06:26 20 April 2024 #

I have added it my accident music entry https://demozoo.org/music/344293/ , can you please delete it?

ps1ch - 19:19 22 April 2024 #

Can you please add a note that music entry https://demozoo.org/music/343632/ is a cover of Blueberry by Karsten Obarski https://demozoo.org/music/139575/

Unlock - 14:53 7 May 2024 #

This was created because of me clicking too wildly: https://demozoo.org/music/345418/ .. please delete. Thanks & sorry

Unlock - 16:16 7 May 2024 #

Apparently "The Future Boys" was a great group name by the end of the 80s.
Could someone add a distinguishing information to https://demozoo.org/groups/142534/ and https://demozoo.org/groups/22581/

https://demozoo.org/groups/22581/ is an Austrian group while https://demozoo.org/groups/142534/ was a Swiss group.
Also see https://csdb.dk/group/?id=5923 for a bit more information/background.

Unlock - 16:31 7 May 2024 #

Aand one more: Would be great if these two events could be added to the same "series": https://demozoo.org/parties/4992/ and https://demozoo.org/parties/1305/ (I created the series when i added the 2012 reunion but have not found a way to assign the 2007 reunion). Thanks :)

ltk_tscc - 09:49 8 May 2024 #

Unlock: All done :)

Unlock - 09:57 8 May 2024 #

Thanks ltk_tscc!
I actually created more mess: https://demozoo.org/productions/345551/ was accidentially created (and is to be deleted) when i tried to add https://demozoo.org/productions/345547/ as an out of compo release to the crauy and rcs party 1989 (https://demozoo.org/parties/2715/)
"Contact Demo" is an overpopular name and I can not chose the right one (Contact Demo by Lightflash) in the dropdown when adding an out of compo release.

UPDATE: I just learned that I can use the production ID to select an entry. \o/

Unlock - 12:27 8 May 2024 #

According to https://csdb.dk/scener/?id=2288, this https://demozoo.org/sceners/142578/ is the same guy as https://demozoo.org/sceners/6046/ - could someone merge them and maybe add sonixer/thule as alternative name/handle?

Unlock - 16:02 8 May 2024 #

https://demozoo.org/music/344468/ and https://demozoo.org/music/166352/ is the same track (see modland link) and could be merged. according to hvsc.c64.org, the correct title is "Rhenus Demo '88"

ltk_tscc - 19:48 8 May 2024 #

Unlock: All fixed :)

Unlock - 19:52 8 May 2024 #

You're awesome, thanks ltk!

Unlock - 13:15 9 May 2024 #

According to https://csdb.dk/scener/?id=6141 these two could be the same guys: https://demozoo.org/sceners/1462/ and https://demozoo.org/sceners/142590/ I would merge them. Sorry for adding the second one and only later on realizing it's the same guy.

Unlock - 19:43 9 May 2024 #

Alright, I better stop for today as I start to make things worse, sorry for that :) https://demozoo.org/productions/345727/ is a duplicate that can be deleted again.

Unlock - 12:26 10 May 2024 #

I got all of these fixed :)

ps1ch - 13:54 19 May 2024 #

Can you please add to the trivia field that https://demozoo.org/music/324901/ is a cover of Iron Man by Black Sabbath.

usual - 06:31 20 May 2024 #


same person, merge plz

ps1ch - 20:02 20 May 2024 #

Can you please delete https://demozoo.org/productions/346541/ it's a duplicate of https://demozoo.org/productions/315973/

ps1ch - 15:42 25 May 2024 #

Can you please delete https://demozoo.org/music/348160/ it's a duplicate of https://demozoo.org/music/320424/ I didn't know it was added already.

ps1ch - 14:57 26 May 2024 #

Can you please delete https://demozoo.org/productions/336664/ it's a duplicate of https://demozoo.org/productions/323881/

ps1ch - 15:30 2 June 2024 #

Do you know why files.scene.org displays screenshots for some downloads but not for others?

For example, it shows a screenshot here:

but not here:

Sometimes it shows "Screenshot by pouet" and other times "Screenshot by demozoo". I wonder if it's something I can trigger when adding productions here.

menace - 10:12 3 June 2024 #

ps1ch: Not sure we can influence that - I would GUESS it scrapes things that link out to it periodically, but I have no insight into that codebase unfortunately.

ps1ch - 10:48 9 June 2024 #

@menace: Thank you for the answer.

Can you please delete my comment https://demozoo.org/productions/349254/#comment-8283 ? I found the actual release and info files and also the correct release date :D

ericorsio - 08:07 11 June 2024 #

Delete this: https://demozoo.org/music/349773/ Already there.

menace - 06:00 13 June 2024 #

ps1ch: Done
ericorsio: Done.

And thanks for all the tireless work you put in, both of you! <3

decca - 16:18 16 June 2024 #

For https://demozoo.org/productions/350413/
please delete the file_id.diz with the size of 572 bytes.
The other file_id.diz with 654 bytes is the correct one.
Thanks for all your efforts.

decca - 17:25 16 June 2024 #

For https://demozoo.org/productions/350430/
it would be great if you could delete the following files:
- the first "J'Accuse.txt"
- the first "file_id.diz"
Thank you so much.

Brittle - 18:17 16 June 2024 #

decca: nuked, all reduced to atoms. (or deleted)

ps1ch - 04:30 18 June 2024 #

Can you please remove my comment https://demozoo.org/productions/350249/#comment-8293

Gargaj - 18:25 18 June 2024 #


decca - 20:26 18 June 2024 #

For https://demozoo.org/music/350388/
accidentally added the release-archive as info file, ups.
Please simply delete the file "Saturday Night.zip".
Thank you.

ps1ch - 18:40 19 June 2024 #

Can you please remove my comment https://demozoo.org/productions/322012/#comment-8301

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