The Eclipse run by The Mustang was definitely in the +818 area code, see 1, 2.
The Eclypse - 818-XXX-XXXX - Sysop : The Mustang
In Apr 1992 was listed as a distro site for THG, a WEST HQ for UTG, and in Sep 1992 was listed as a member board.
The Eclipse BBS (···) ···-···· The Mustang
In Sep 1993 was the WHQ of United Couriers and the USA member applications went to a 818 based number.
The Eclipse (3 Nodes) XXX The Mustang WORLD
In Feb 1996 was a memberboard for RISC as a 6 node board under the 805 area code.
The Eclipse 6 Nodes [805] XXX·XXXX The Mustang
Is the same as The Eclipse (805).
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