
Pirates With Attitudes


1990s PC warez group, also coding PCBoard doors.

Front Page Sports Football Pro Cracktro (december 1993) listed Bar Manager, Orion (founders), Dumper, The Master Of Disaster, Nuclear War, Rambone (council), Faith Healer, Teddy (international council), Mooncrow, Satman (us senior members), Bainster, Beach Bum, Ben Jammin, Blackhawk, Buckaroo Banzai, Cetis, Deathknight, Digital Interface, Dorian Hawkmoon, Electronic Vampyre, Forced Entry, Ford Perfect, Fourth Reich, General Protocol, IBMMAN, Kram, Liquid Flesh, Mind Bomb, Net Distortion, Pioneer, Potsie, Raider, Rifleman, War Master (us members), Amicom, Brayn O'Neal, Charlie, FBi, Hollis, IceMan, Icepic, Jack Deth, Janno, Stapper, Turner, Vanilla Ice (international members), Silver Surfer (senior courier), Blackbird, Biteman, Cloudsend, Deliver, Gadget, Marine, Noiro, Shak Attack, Sixpack, Slayer, Smog, The Painter, Thrasher and Visual Delusion (courier team) as members.

In january 2000, 15 members of the group were arrested in a raid, and the group was effectively disbanded - see and Wikipedia articles. Among the 15 were Marlenus, Shiffie, Akasha, Code3, Mercy, Warlock, Technic, Gizmo, Rambone, Stoned, Crov8, Darklord and Boynger.


BBS affiliations

Last edited on 3 Nov 2023 by Vigilante. See all edits