
Fix me beautiful

aZtOcKdOg - 09:01 12 November 2020 #

Thanks for merging the 2x ‘keyjfreely ^ Gusto / CDN ^ | tlu | scener entries as requested!

Will it break stuff if the URLs were swapped around?

Original entry URL (now empty or deleted)

New scener post-merge URL:

The older (lower number) URL appears tn the top search results etc: and may be in other spots too.
Is this request impossible / unnecessary or just a non issue?
Appreciate any wisdom and assistance

I definitely don’t want to cause any issues or break prods submitted to parties etc

Saga_Musix - 18:02 12 November 2020 #

There is no automatic redirection happening, but search engines will eventually learn that the old URL no longer exists and will not offer it anymore. Any links on other websites pointing to the old page will have to be updated manually, though.

mirrorbird - 18:16 12 November 2020 #

I'm not certain about this, but look at the ZX Spectrum group "Flash":

I'm familiar with the Russian group (a.k.a "Flash Inc"), and indeed all members are listed as being Russian. However there are also listed some Czech-language demos that don't look or feel the same, such as "Dream Demo 2" and "Demo Distribution". Why would Russians write Czech? Is this a different group called "Flash"?

mirrorbird - 19:02 12 November 2020 #

Wise Man ( https://demozoo.org/sceners/12472/ ) is from Poland. I can't work out how to add a country to a scener. Info source: http://speccy.info/Wise_Man

mirrorbird - 21:37 12 November 2020 #

The platforms for Game Boy (and GB Advance and GB Color) spell it "GameBoy", but it's really two words, "Game Boy".

phoenix - 22:00 12 November 2020 #

Delete https://demozoo.org/sceners/118019/

aZtOcKdOg - 03:49 13 November 2020 #

Thanks @Saga_Musix

So it’s just NOT possible to merge / move

back to

use of the earlier / lower Demozoo URL number for Australian legacy purposes?


phoenix - 14:42 13 November 2020 #

Delete https://demozoo.org/sceners/118035/, duplicate

Saga_Musix - 18:36 13 November 2020 #

aZtOcKdOg: No, it's not possible. The legacy is in the release dates, not the demozoo IDs. :) Lots of really old stuff has high IDs. :)

mirrorbird - 01:31 15 November 2020 #

These two prods seem to be the same; are they?

sensenstahl - 06:50 15 November 2020 #

mirrorbird: yes. deleted the older entry because your addition has more accurate informations.

mirrorbird - 08:18 17 November 2020 #

Please delete the red/pink lines screenshot -- wrong prod. The other screenshot (cyan) is correct.

mirrorbird - 08:56 17 November 2020 #

Uploaded an image here but it doesn't seem to be working, just shows the animated spinner like the upload got stuck.

FlashyLamer - 02:58 19 November 2020 #

https://demozoo.org/parties/4188/ https://demozoo.org/parties/4187/
pretty sure they're spams. delete

Brittle - 05:39 19 November 2020 #

@Flashy: yes they are. Both (and the profile as well) nuked.

phoenix - 21:37 19 November 2020 #

Delete https://demozoo.org/productions/201235/, duplicate of https://demozoo.org/productions/19162/

ericorsio - 17:48 26 November 2020 #

I might have accidentally duplicated an entry: https://demozoo.org/music/287492/ Please delete.

velusip - 03:55 27 November 2020 #

please delete dupe: https://demozoo.org/music/287514/
good copy here: https://demozoo.org/music/234235/

please delete dupe: https://demozoo.org/music/287513/
good copy here: https://demozoo.org/music/253751/

please delete dupe: https://demozoo.org/music/287512/
good copy here: https://demozoo.org/music/259609/

please delete dupe: https://demozoo.org/music/287511/
good copy here: https://demozoo.org/music/231448/

Learned not to copypaste when searching for existing stuff. Sorry about that.

sensenstahl - 04:53 27 November 2020 #


rahow - 08:28 30 November 2020 #

Hi... The Synthax 2020 lack of the "Newschool gfx" category


GreyMSB - 13:28 2 December 2020 #

I have no idea if Ericorsio read this, but I wrote a message to Him under "Silly Venture 2020 + 1" topic. Let's try here too:

"Hello Ericorsio! Thanks you so much for the updates, however I would like to ask you to remove this link: https://demozoo.org/parties/4171/ (because it's a bit confusing now) :) Cheers."

AOD - 02:28 3 December 2020 #

please unprotect group: "1572", me foundet that group and i want to still edit here...

phoenix - 16:54 4 December 2020 #

Merge https://demozoo.org/productions/234232/ into https://demozoo.org/productions/10327/, same prod.

exocet - 18:46 7 December 2020 #

Phoenix: thanks for the heads up, they've now been merged.

phoenix - 20:10 16 December 2020 #

Please merge https://demozoo.org/sceners/24084/ and https://demozoo.org/sceners/42733/

phoenix - 20:28 16 December 2020 #

Also merge https://demozoo.org/sceners/28137/ with https://demozoo.org/sceners/24095/

phoenix - 20:32 16 December 2020 #

And yes, https://demozoo.org/sceners/70407/ is most likely the same person as Yello73/Yello '73 above.

phoenix - 22:58 16 December 2020 #


Delete us!

phoenix - 21:10 17 December 2020 #

Merge https://demozoo.org/sceners/43150/ with https://demozoo.org/sceners/17199/

velusip - 05:05 19 December 2020 #

Please delete dupe: https://demozoo.org/music/152176/

Original is here: https://demozoo.org/music/110752/

logiker - 09:47 19 December 2020 #


Please remove the Doom screenshot. It came in wrongly.
(Wished there was an opportunity to do that on my own.)

logiker - 09:59 19 December 2020 #


This one is a duplicate of 'better' https://demozoo.org/productions/285321/.
Please delete it.
(Wished there was an opportunity to do that on my own.)

menace - 11:24 19 December 2020 #

logiker: Done.

To your comments, if you or anyone else want to help create a feature for allowing users to remove their OWN edits, then the link to our source code is at the bottom of the page. Patches welcome, naturally.

menace - 11:39 19 December 2020 #

I'll go backwards and fix all the other requests here from recently.

guardian - 09:09 26 December 2020 #

I'm confused by




tomaes - 13:59 26 December 2020 #

guardian: The winner version has stages included. So it's most likely a re-submission, after the author got the feedback from the pre-selection jury/compo team that stages were required.

FlashyLamer - 22:45 30 December 2020 #

https://demozoo.org/sceners/35846/ and https://demozoo.org/sceners/13874/ could be merged then i guess..

menace - 07:37 31 December 2020 #

@FlashyLamer: Not sure I'm comfortable merging based on an "i guess" and with no evidence to the fact. Can you point me to what made you draw that conclusion?

spiny - 19:44 31 December 2020 #

I've added a screnshot to this prod, and i think the upload failed: https://demozoo.org/graphics/288407/

menace - 08:24 1 January 2021 #

@Spiny: I see it's gone now, at least. You may have run into the limitation that a single image can not exceed 10 megabytes. Try recompressing to a size where it is more web-friendly.

FlashyLamer - 19:53 1 January 2021 #

menace: both profiles have a same entry named 'butterfly'. the "screenshot" on https://demozoo.org/graphics/61846/ has vertex's signature on it. (which im sure is antti's handle)

Mibri - 23:39 2 January 2021 #

I think I've just done the exact same thing as spiny did on the screenshot for https://demozoo.org/graphics/288407/ - sorry about that.

100bit - 15:36 4 January 2021 #

Mibri, fixed!

vitalkanev - 16:31 4 January 2021 #

Slack went downhill when I was trying to report another production with stuck screenshots: https://demozoo.org/graphics/288413/

phoenix - 19:46 4 January 2021 #

Merge https://demozoo.org/sceners/26250/, https://demozoo.org/sceners/20750/, and https://demozoo.org/sceners/26246/

phoenix - 22:10 4 January 2021 #

Merge https://demozoo.org/sceners/83192/ with https://demozoo.org/sceners/7088/

phoenix - 22:21 4 January 2021 #

Delete https://demozoo.org/music/288590/, duplicate of https://demozoo.org/music/106888/

phoenix - 22:18 5 January 2021 #

https://demozoo.org/productions/288669/ - please change type to music (Tracked Music).

phoenix - 14:46 8 January 2021 #

Merge https://demozoo.org/sceners/115683/ with https://demozoo.org/sceners/17005/

phoenix - 13:27 12 January 2021 #

https://demozoo.org/productions/288963/ - delete this

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