
Fix me beautiful

mnemotron - 14:17 12 November 2021 #

Whoops, forgot the link to "Tom". https://demozoo.org/sceners/16367/

dipswitch - 00:15 13 November 2021 #

mnemotron, very sorry for the mix-up - i think there are two scener profiles mixed into one here. our atari expert will look into it and split off the atari info into a new profile.

dipswitch - 00:16 13 November 2021 #

also, we'll most certainly deal with the "tom" issue, thanks for pointing it out.

Defiance - 17:27 13 November 2021 #

Alright, this: https://demozoo.org/productions/39273/ seems to be a dupe of this: https://demozoo.org/productions/20965/ they are basically the same demo, nothing is different.

Defiance - 17:53 13 November 2021 #

...and to back my claim, taking a look here: https://www.pouet.net/groups.php?which=177 there is no synthesis demo from network that was ever released in the euskal demo party.

mnemotron - 18:45 13 November 2021 #

Thanks, dipswitch!

menace - 17:29 14 November 2021 #

Defiance: Not sure I agree with that sentiment, and for sure - the fact that no-one added it to Pouet is not proof of much of anything. The results from Euskal clearly feature it.

I'll deep-dive more on the differences between v1.0 and v2.0 once I have a chance.

Defiance - 18:04 14 November 2021 #

menace: I agree that this one is odd indeed. The euskal 98 party results feature it (https://files.scene.org/view/parties/1998/euskal98/results.txt) the demo is nowhere to be seen in the euskal 98 amiga demo folder on scene.org (https://files.scene.org/browse/parties/1998/euskal98/amiga/demo/) and all the prods, both on demozoo (https://demozoo.org/productions/39273/ , https://demozoo.org/productions/20965/) and pouet (https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=3517) point to the assembly 98 prod (https://files.scene.org/get/parties/1998/assembly98/amigadem/synthesi.zip) It seems as if v.1.0 was lost in time and nobody bothered to upload it to scene.org and thus everyone linked everything to v.2.0 instead. Anyway, thanks for the heads-up! :)

Defiance - 19:56 14 November 2021 #

Alright, I've done a little bit of research on this 'mystery' and here is my take on what happened: Network prepared and released 'Synthesys v.1.0' at euskal 98 for the amiga compo. This version is terribly buggy and crashes on the compo machine (basically they can't get it to run at all on it) so they drop out of the compo and ask the organizers to not include the buggy version with the rest of the amiga demos. There are other two amiga demos in the compo (three in total) so since they drop out, they rank last at 3rd place. The result remains in the euskal 98 result file but the buggy version never gets released to the public or uploaded to scene.org. Then they come back from the party, fix tons bugs and rerelease the same demo as 'Synthesis v2.0' in assembly 98. The demo works fine this time and ranks 3rd place among other seven amiga demos. This fixed version is uploaded to scene.org and released to the public. Most of this can be inferred from the credits rant at the end of 'Synthesis v2.0' plus with the help of a little bit of assumption. (Man, I love researching demoscene history, and imagine this started by me just wanting to post a youtube link and a couple of screenshots to find this prod quickly).

Defiance - 20:18 14 November 2021 #

"...fix tons of bugs..."

Bjorn - 13:50 30 November 2021 #

I made an mistake will I'm trying to add https://demozoo.org/productions/154334/ to https://demozoo.org/parties/1882/#competition_16867
https://demozoo.org/productions/302800/ is a duplicate, please delete it.

I presume because there a lot of "Black Hole" named realeses, but I wan't able to find the good one in autocomplete list, sorry :/

sensenstahl - 06:58 4 December 2021 #

@Bjorn: Someone already took care of it.

phoenix - 21:51 6 December 2021 #

https://demozoo.org/sceners/65677/ is just the real name of https://demozoo.org/sceners/54681/, please delete.

phoenix - 22:19 6 December 2021 #

https://demozoo.org/productions/28083/ is a dupe of https://demozoo.org/productions/196453/
https://demozoo.org/productions/28084/ is a dupe of https://demozoo.org/productions/196452/
https://demozoo.org/productions/28085/ is a dupe of https://demozoo.org/productions/196454/
https://demozoo.org/productions/49055/ is another dupe of https://demozoo.org/productions/196452/

In each case, you should delete the former and keep the latter, which is more accurate.

https://demozoo.org/parties/621 is, actually, NOT a dupe of https://demozoo.org/parties/3754, as I first thought. Party #3754 is the better known IBM OS/2 Warp Ad Compo, organized in May 1995 by FC, Accession, and IBM Finland, accepting remote entries around the world. Party #621 appears to be a different IBM OS/2 Warp Ad Compo, taking place in November 1995 in Hungary, if the file_id.diz in https://files.scene.org/view/parties/1995/ibmcompo95/demo/legwarpd.zip is reliable, and organized by IBM Hungary. It uses the same download folder as the other compo on scene.org, but legwarpd.zip seems to be the only entry available from the Hungarian compo.

phoenix - 19:16 13 December 2021 #

https://demozoo.org/music/6681/ is a duplicate of https://demozoo.org/music/254552/
https://demozoo.org/music/186291/ is a duplicate of https://demozoo.org/music/254545/

phoenix - 19:25 13 December 2021 #

https://demozoo.org/music/263786/ is a duplicate of https://demozoo.org/music/194265/

phoenix - 16:29 15 December 2021 #

https://demozoo.org/music/254540/ is a duplicate of https://demozoo.org/music/254554/ and should be deleted (the kestra bitworld link no longer works)

RufUsul - 08:30 16 December 2021 #

please delete https://demozoo.org/parties/3422/ because it is just a monthly "regulars' table" (we call that "Stammtisch") and not a scene party

evil - 19:48 16 December 2021 #

Please delete this:

Added by mistake when editing "Add a soundtrack listing".

Thank you.

phoenix - 19:54 16 December 2021 #

https://demozoo.org/music/258531/ is a dupe of https://demozoo.org/music/258530/, merge Featured In's. Seriously, one added right after the other? Pay attention to what you're adding, fellas!

menace - 10:32 20 December 2021 #

I believe I fixed all of phoenix' requests. Hit us up if anything slipped through the cracks.

ericorsio - 17:53 22 December 2021 #

I gave the request a year ago, but https://demozoo.org/music/281493/ is a dupe of https://demozoo.org/music/6203/ that I up'd myself. I just didn't know the SID by the other name. :P

menace - 07:27 23 December 2021 #

ericorsio: Fixed.

rtiainen - 09:14 26 December 2021 #

Please delete https://demozoo.org/productions/303667/, I created it accidently when I was trying to add https://demozoo.org/productions/223506/ to https://demozoo.org/productions/303666/ ..

menace - 14:29 26 December 2021 #

rtiainen: Done.

phoenix - 23:15 26 December 2021 #

https://demozoo.org/productions/259281/ is a duplicate of https://demozoo.org/productions/89376/ (merge/delete as you see fit).
https://demozoo.org/music/233178/ is a duplicate of https://demozoo.org/music/89377/ (merge, there are different download and featured links)

ericorsio - 20:37 27 December 2021 #

Delete https://demozoo.org/music/303705/, I created the dupe by accident. Didn't know there it was already... :/

RufUsul - 14:48 1 January 2022 #

delete https://demozoo.org/productions/303809/
i created the dupe by accident, sorry...

SoDa7 - 19:54 3 January 2022 #

There's a dupe. We tried to upload the same production at the same fraction of time


breitbandkatze - 00:07 5 January 2022 #

For Reflex ...
... "FR" is only an alias of "Jim Jack" and not a separate member.
Could you please correct that?
Thank you.

breitbandkatze - 00:50 6 January 2022 #


Philsan - 15:14 8 January 2022 #

Here https://demozoo.org/productions/303819/ please delete second .nfo file (the older one).

sensenstahl - 15:52 8 January 2022 #

@Philsan: done

phoenix - 02:29 10 January 2022 #

https://demozoo.org/sceners/60196/ - delete, there wasn't someone named "Where?", they were asking "Graphics: Where?" in the info file. :)

Ramses - 23:31 12 January 2022 #

Please remove https://demozoo.org/sceners/66621/
Dupe of https://demozoo.org/sceners/124855/

dipswitch - 23:48 12 January 2022 #

ramses: done

dipswitch - 23:49 12 January 2022 #

phoenix: done. that was really a funny one :P

Marq - 08:44 13 January 2022 #

Someone had already submitted Turbohyttynen BBS with the wrong name (Turbo Hyttynen). "Turbohyttynen BBS" is the correct spelling, so I suppose these two entries should be merged:


Otherwise all the info is correct on both.

dipswitch - 11:09 13 January 2022 #

marq: done

el-topo - 11:56 14 January 2022 #

This BBS was already listed under another entry as "also known as" https://demozoo.org/bbs/8126/ so it can probably be removed.

sensenstahl - 16:38 14 January 2022 #

done (after moving things that were missing to the already listed BBS)

phoenix - 18:23 17 January 2022 #

Merge https://demozoo.org/groups/19793/ and https://demozoo.org/groups/107604/, same group.

phoenix - 19:52 17 January 2022 #

https://demozoo.org/groups/8270 - delete, "Fidion" is a misspelling of "Fiction".

muro - 08:13 19 January 2022 #

Please read comment on one Cractro here.
We didn't as a group did it.
That was example of impersonation on scene.
Remove it from USSR group portofolio.

muro - 08:58 19 January 2022 #

Please merge https://demozoo.org/productions/112519/ and https://demozoo.org/productions/111758/ as same production.
Proper name: Perestroyka
Authors: TL&Muro
USSR was created after that.

ericorsio - 21:31 3 February 2022 #

Delete https://demozoo.org/music/305044/. Added the entry twice by accident.

phoenix - 19:03 5 February 2022 #

https://demozoo.org/sceners/130008 - delete, turned out to be a duplicate

tero_risti - 23:48 5 February 2022 #

Delete https://demozoo.org/groups/58731/
The Chaos Engine title music sample 1 name is "BY FAROOK/HAROON JOI"
It's not a scener Farook in group Haroon Joi --> "Haroon Joi" is not a group.
The track is made by Farook and Haroon Shamsher.

tero_risti - 23:51 5 February 2022 #

forgot to add to above ^^
Joi is the name of their band.

100bit - 17:56 7 February 2022 #

done last three reqs

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