


Devotion was a courier group.

An nfo dated 04/06/1997 (april 6th) wrote, "Welcome to our 5 new memebers Trix, Denial, Chazer, Roller, and SnakeEyes." and proceed to list Dizzident, Elmo, Ramirez (founders), 187, Apollo, Axhate, Azagthoth, Belgarath, Brain, Bugz, Chazer, Corps, Crestor, Crypto, Cycl0ps, Deranged, Denial, Felony, Gardd, Hurricane, Id Mud, Intruder, KingM, Mad-cap, MaDBoy, Menion Leah, Meter, Mig, Midnight Grave Digger, Moelch, Nevermind, Nightsky, Nine, One-30, Patriarch, Phalycide, Roller, Scan, Snapcase, Soul, Spy, StormTrooper, T3mace, TCM, Trix, SnakeEyes, Waxattack, Xah and Zen as members at that time.

In the 2000 A.D. release of The Divide +2 Trainer (february 1998), the nfo claimed "Devotion are the official couriers for 2000AD".

Productions (1)

Windows - Cracktro
Devotion 1998

Last edited on 26 Jun 2022 by dipswitch. See all edits