

- MC

Mindcrash was a courier group active around 1995.

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    The Offical Couriers for Legacy,Mayhem and TSC!

┌───────────────────────-────────-─────── ──────── ───── ─── ── ─ ─
│ - President - │ the wicked one (two)
│ │
┌───────────────────────-────────-─────── ──────── ───── ─── ── ─ ─
│ - Seniors - │ blitzkrieg, desolation angel
│ │
┌───────────────────────-────────-─────── ──────── ───── ─── ── ─ ─
│ - Division Heads - │ assassin, devolution, mr hacker, nettwerk
│ │ renegade knight
│ │
┌───────────────────────-────────-─────── ──────── ───── ─── ── ─ ─
│ - BBS Couriers - │ angel of death, darkhlmet, demon hound, evileast,
│ │ fugitive, highlander, smiley
│ │
┌───────────────────────-────────-─────── ──────── ───── ─── ── ─ ─
│ - NET Couriers - │ arcturus, dragon, hand of fate, headbanger, holms,
│ │ losts0l, noderuner, niteowl, swamper, techno,
│ │ vanisher
│ │
┌───────────────────────-────────-─────── ──────── ───── ─── ── ─ ─
│ - Special Crew - │ charecho, cje, cpt-hook, dark wizard
│ │
┌───────────────────────-────────-─────── ──────── ───── ─── ── ─ ─
│ - Coding & Art - │ cryptic, dashiznit, methane
│ │
┌───────────────────────-────────-─────── ──────── ───── ─── ── ─ ─
│ - Trial Couriers - │ black september, capone, chr0me, doo doo, gazza,
│ │ orbiter, poti, quitacodr, reaper, sinep, strawdawg,
│ │ subliminal criminal, 3rdtime
│ │
└───────────────────────└────────-─────── ──────── ───── ─── ── ─ ─

┌───────────────────────-────────-─────── ──────── ───── ─── ── ─ ─
│ - Affiliated Boards - │ All SysOps are full members...
└───────────────────────└────────-─────── ──────── ───── ─── ── ─ ─
│ BOARD ─────────────── │ NODES ───────── │ SYSOP ────────── │ POSITION ─────
│ The Digital Regime │ (2) │ dopeman │ World HQ
│ Digital Illusions │ (3) │ perfect courier │ Canadian HQ
│ Paradise City │ (3) │ crypt wizard │ Russian HQ
│ Intoxication │ (4) │ snapcase/fuzz │ Swedish HQ
│ │ │ │
│ Toyz in the Attic │ (2) │ desolation angel │ Member Board
│ │ │ │
│ Harry D's │ (2) │ │ Distro Site
│ Illegal Embassy │ (5) │ rumpelstealskin │ Distro Site
│ Orion: DX │ (5) │ darkhlmet/shaun │ Distro Site
│ Lucid sweet dreams │ (1) │ ob │ Distro Site
│ Babylon │ (2) │ squir │ Distro Site

┌───────────────────────-────────-─────── ──────── ───── ─── ── ─ ─
│ - NEWS -
└───────────────────────-────────-─────── ──────── ───── ─── ── ─ ─

│ If you aren't in this NFO, then you are not in MindCrash...

│ We are currently looking for members who can do the following:

│ Net Traders: - must be able to offer via irc
│ - must be able to upload to many ftp sites and irc bots
│ - should have a unix shell account T1 or faster

│ BBS Traders: - must provide file captures of their uploads to bbs(s)
│ - must be able to call LD or have 5+ node board in their
│ AC to upload too

│ Ansi Artists: - should be able to provide 4 or more ansis per month
│ - must be able to do black and white ansi + color ansi

│ Coders: - should be able to do VGA loaders (ASM knowlegdge a must)

│ We do not accept couriers who are in other courier groups. Please do
│ not apply if you are in or plan to be in another courier group. If you
│ meet our standards apply to blitzkrg or desangel on irc.

│ We are currently accepting distro sites of 3 kinds:

│ BBS Distro: - should be 4 nodes or more (preferably 5+)
│ - should have at least 3 gigs online
│ - telnet is a plus

│ Net Distro: - should have a T1 or higher connection to the net
│ - should have at least 500 megs available for files
│ (1 gig or more is a plus)

│ Irc Bots: - should have a T1 or higher connection to the net
│ - should have at least 500 megs available for files
│ (1 gig or more is a plus)

┌───────────────────────-────────-─────── ──────── ───── ─── ── ─ ─
│ - Special Greets - │ Legacy, Mayhem
│ │
┌───────────────────────-────────-─────── ──────── ───── ─── ── ─ ─
│ - Group Greets - │ DoD, PWA, Razor 1911, Tyranny, Pinnacle, Hybrid,
│ │ RiSC, Rebels, ZillionZ, FTA, MALiCE, RTS, and all
│ │ the other crews we missed.
│ │
┌───────────────────────-────────-─────── ──────── ───── ─── ── ─ ─
│ - Personal Greets - │ darkman, prowler, dtd, d0rian, annastasia, and jeves
│ │
┌───────────────────────-────────-─────── ──────── ───── ─── ── ─ ─
│ Mindcrash Info update [01/02/96] - The Wicked One, Dragon
└───────────────────────-────────-─────── ──────── ───── ─── ── ─ ─

                                           /: \/\
                                          /____\_\indcrash Couriers '96

Productions (0)

Last edited on 10 Jul 2021 by dipswitch. See all edits