All aboard Synchrony 2020!

24 Jan 2020

Synchrony is that very unique demoparty that takes place aboard a train between New York City and Montréal, with talks and a concert before departure and the actual compos held on arrival. The releases and results are now all available and include things for both newer and older platforms.

Synchrony 2020 on Demozoo /

Rsync and the scene of Belgium

16 Jan 2020

No demoparty had happened in Belgium since 2014 until Rsync broke the spell last weekend with a two-day event in Brussels. For a first edition, the amount and quality of releases is super promising and shows a good balance between modern and older platforms. We look forward to seeing a new, bigger Rsync next year!

Rsync 2020 on Demozoo /

DiHalt Lite has happened!

09 Jan 2020

DiHalt Lite is the alternate version of the Russian demoparty that happens in winter, while the main edition is in summer. Being held in Russia, you can expect a certain focus on the ZX Spectrum (something that was confirmed this year again) but there's also an emphasis on realtime competitions, where contestants (both at the party place and online) have 3 hours to produce an image, music tune or demo that follows a specific theme.

DiHalt 2020 Lite on Demozoo

MAGFest releases have landed!

06 Jan 2020

MAGFest Demoparty is the demoparty that happens within MAGFest, short for "Music And Gaming Festival", a big event just south of Washington DC dedicated to video games music and games in general. We now have the results and all the releases ready for you to peruse. Thanks for the organisers for being so reactive!

MAGFest Demoparty on Demozoo /

Construction has completed!

30 Dec 2019

This weekend, the self-titled "last party of the year" took place in Darmstadt, Germany, and we are now able to let the public in to tour the new construction. Some top-notch releases as usual, so get dug in, and add some screenshots, write some comments, or just gander at the wonder of it all. :)

Under Construction 2019 on Demozoo /

Silly Venture 2019 results and releases are now all up!

24 Dec 2019

The annual Atari scene event took place for the 11th time this year. According to the statistics the party had 254 visitors and there were about 132 releases. Again main-organizer Grey and his team managed to gather the core of the active Atari scene to release a huge load of stuff for all kinds of Atari systems. Like every year he managed to get special guests like R.J. Mical (creator of the Atari Lynx) via videocall to the party.

Silly Venture 2019 on Demozoo / / Fujiology

A whirlwind of releases at Vortex!

04 Dec 2019

The fourth edition of Vortex took place last weekend in Finland. Most of the releases are now available for download.

Vortex 2019 on Demozoo /

A splash across the pond!

14 Nov 2019

Demosplash 2019 took place last weekend in Pittsburgh, USA and saw a good amount of releases entered in the various competitions. As often with events in North America, the ASCII/ANSI competition in particular got some very strong entries.

Demosplash 2019 on Demozoo /

Inércia 2019 results and releases are available

12 Nov 2019

Portuguese demoparties have historically been few and far between (as far as we can tell from the worldwide demoparty map compiled by Conspiracy from Demozoo data) so any new one feels precious. Inércia 2019 took place last weekend in Almada and all releases are now available, including a port of the cult (in Portugal at least) Portuguese ZX Spectrum game "Paradise Café".

Inércia Demoparty 2019 on Demozoo /

So you want to be an alchemist?

06 Nov 2019

Alchimie was held last weekend an hour drive south of Lyon, France. Like previous editions, it was mostly focused on the Amiga and other alternative platforms. The results and releases are now all available.

Alchimie 2019 on Demozoo /