Assembly 2020 Winter releases are in!

26 Feb 2020

Assembly 2020 Winter took place last weekend in Helsinki, Finland. The results and all the releases are now available and ready to satisfy your curiosity. Just click below!

Assembly 2020 Winter on Demozoo /

BCC 2020: a whiff of novelty raises in Berlin!

25 Feb 2020

BCC, a smallish C64 party, took place in Berlin last weekend and we now have all the results listed on the party page. Lots of cool releases there again despite a limited attendance.

BCC 2020 on Demozoo / CSDb

GERP 2020 results and releases are in!

23 Feb 2020

After a slight delay, we've now added all the releases from the latest edition of GERP, a smallish Amiga party in the centre of Sweden. This year again, there's a lot of cool stuff - on Amiga but also other oldschool platforms - to get your eyeballs and eardrums on!

GERP 2020 on Demozoo /

Assembly Winter - remote entries allowed!

19 Feb 2020

Assembly Winter is happening this coming weekend, and the organizers just announced the following;

"We decided to open up remote entry option also for Tracked Music and Graphics competitions! Remote entries are also allowed for One Scene competition. Remote entries are submitted by email to by the competition deadlines! With remote entries we recommend you to submit the entry early, not just 1minute before the deadline but rather 2 hours before. ;) Go make a tune, graphics or a demo about it! Or why not all!"

C64 Scene Mags is undead!

19 Feb 2020

After a bit of a break, it seems the C64 Scene Mags collection has returned to active duty! Jazzcat posted both on the csdb forums and on their own website, the following "After a break of 4 years, we are back! The Ultimate C64 Scene Magazine Archive has a new website layout (our old site fell into a state of disrepair and total neglect). Not only that, we are very happy to deliver the long awaited Update #11, this update includes bug fixes, rare magazines as well as a general tidy up of the entire collection."

So, go read some mags (and take some screenshots for us while you're at it ;) ).

C64 Scene Mags

Fjälldata and the avalanche of C64 releases

12 Feb 2020

More C64 stuff! Fjälldata took place last weekend in the middle of Sweden and the many attendants packed up warm clothing, fitted their snow chains and braved the snow and ice to unleash a flurry of releases for the venerable breadbox.

Fjälldata 2020 on Demozoo / CSDb

Sunset over Solskogen

11 Feb 2020

Today, Solskogen announced the tagline for the 2020 edition will be "Sunset", and told the world that this would be the final installment of the legendary party that began all the way back in 2002.

The team are promising to go out with a bang, and make the final installment one for the ages. The last few editions have been sold out, so if you want to experience one last awesome time at Flateby with that special Solskogen feeling, then you'd better not sleep on this opportunity. Grab your tix while you still can!

Read the blog post here and get your tickets!

The teeny-weeny PETSCII tsunami

05 Feb 2020

Ever wondered how much you could convey with a 2-color, 8x8 array of PETSCII characters? An awful lot actually, as you'll soon see for yourself while browsing the entries of the Tiny PETSCII Compo that took place at our friends from CSDB. As a side note, it's also the biggest competition ever recorded on Demozoo, with a whopping 318 entries submitted. In case you're wondering, the medal for the biggest competition held at a demoparty is still held the Multichannel Music competition at Assembly 1995 with a very respectable 211 entries.

Tiny PETSCII Compo 2020 on Demozoo / CSDB

C64 Compopic Competition = complete!

03 Feb 2020

CSDb's online Compopic Competition whose goal was to reimagine the infamous 1999 C64 GFX is now complete and the quality of the entries was nothing short of jaw-dropping.

Compopic Competition on Demozoo / CSDb

Releases from Excess & Abyss Connection Party 2020

29 Jan 2020

Excess & Abyss Connection Party took place last weekend in the North of Germany and was a pure C64 gathering. All the releases are now available for download.

Excess & Abyss Connection Party 2020 on Demozoo /