@party 2020 results and releases are available

15 Jun 2020

@party took place last weekend and was this year held entirely online, in place of its usual Massachusetts
location. All the releases have now been made public.

@party 2020 on Demozoo / scene.org

Old Men Online!

12 Jun 2020

Gubbdata 2020 (June 26-28), Sweden's biggest event for C64 these days, will be an online event this year. This is sad, but will be no problem as the party place has a professional pod-studio; all compos and all events will be streamed and discussed. Stream will be available on Scenesat. Main hosts will be hedning/GP and Phreedh/HmF, and special guests will run demo shows, interviews, compos and more! All compos and shows will be run on real hardware, and streamed through our RetroTink and HDMI, and multiple cameras will capture both the smaller BBQ and the reactions of the people being invited as special guests. Remote entries are accepted in all compos, so check out gubbdata.se for rules. Send them to hedning@gubbdata.se. We will do the best we can to make it as kickass as possible, so tune in!

Streams will be at:


This year’s Edison takes place entirely online!

12 Jun 2020

Edison have announced the following; "This means all competitions are open to remote entries and remote voting by purchasing an online party ticket.

We will broadcast the party on SceneSat and Twitch and everyone’s heartily invited to socialize on Discord. We sincerely encourage you to participate in our compos. You create the party!

As usual there’s supporter and sponsor tickets available if you love what we do and want to help us out even further.

Our t-shirt store is open providing the usual warez including face masks. This year’s visual design and logo was created by fegolhuzz."

More information at https://edisonparty.com/ and https://demozoo.org/parties/4018/

Outline Online results and releases!

27 May 2020

The Dutch party took place last weekend and was like many things those days, an online-only event. Despite the challenging conditions, releases were aplenty on many platforms, old and new. Note that the online Outline can almost be seen as an appetizer for the Outline 'brick and mortar' that has been moved to November.

Outline Online 2020 on Demozoo / scene.org

Outline relaunches website with online info and tickets!

08 May 2020

Outline recently announced they were pivoting to an online event this year, and have now relaunched their website with all that good info - and the possibility to purchase a ticket for the online edition.


Solskogen goes Online

01 May 2020

Solskogen organizing have shared some information over on their site - the TL;DR is that the 2020 edition is going Online.

Revision results are in!

14 Apr 2020

The Revision 2020 online demoparty is over and if you thought it would be any less popular than its real-life counterpart, you couldn't be any more wrong! All of the many high-quality releases and results are now available for browsing on Demozoo, enjoy!

Revision 2020 on Demozoo / scene.org

Hackathon 3!

05 Apr 2020

We live in interesting times, and this easter in particular will be unique for sceners, as we are for the first time since the early 90s not travelling to the traditional easter party. Instead, we'll all be at home watching Revision online (you did get your ticket already, right?), and it just seemed like a real good idea to host our third Hackathon while we were going to be around anyway.

We hope to make it real social - if you're not already there, join our Slack. In addition we may throw up a Jitsi Meet chatroom for those that want do the audiovisual thing - or for impromptu seminars - and we may even do more stuff, based on what you guys want to see.

So, easter weekend - all weekend - join us for some quality hacking time :)

Head on over here for more information, including answers to the obvious "where do I begin?" questions. Be advised that this page will evolve during the day, as we add more stuff.

Revision ticket info released

25 Mar 2020

Revision just dropped their tickets for the online version, go find all the relevant info and get yours here.

Revision 2020 cancelled physically

11 Mar 2020

The news just reached us, that Revision 2020 is officially cancelled, just like most larger gatherings of people in the world these last few weeks. While regrettable, we all understand why and hope for a swift end to the virus woes and a triumphant return in 2021 for everyone's favourite easter event.

Organizers do intend to arrange the stream, and make an online edition for this year - with compos, seminars and shenanigans. They will be offering "support tickets" to hopefully offset some of the losses incurred by cancelling the event, which will allow you to vote in the competitions. More information on this is forthcoming, but for now check the page below for current information:
