Ami Expo 1989 in Cologne (Köln), Germany.
It played host to A demo competition by the commercial German Amiga magazine "Amiga Special". Groups that participated were Sunlight, D-Tect, and Black Monks (who submitted five entries). The winner was chosen by the magazine staff - the other entries received no placings. The results were published in the magazine's issue 3/1990. There was also an afterparty - this year arranged by Paranoimia.
The event was announced in the news section of Cracker Journal 16 (october 1989) with the text; "Visit the AMIGA'89 in Köln (10.-12.11.89)."
A fight reportedly erupted between rival cracking groups Paranoimia and Quartex. Two reports can be found in Cracker Journal 17 (18 november).
Last edited on 26 Mar 2023 by phoenix. See all edits
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