Edit history for Unnamed Monkey Game by Harteex and Topy44 and Zear

2017-07-20 10:59:08 helper Added tag 'canoo'
2017-07-20 10:59:07 helper Added tag 'wiz'
2017-07-20 10:58:58 helper Added tag 'openpandora'
2017-07-20 10:58:55 helper Added tag 'dingoo'
2017-07-20 10:58:53 helper Added tag 'sdl'
2017-07-20 10:58:53 helper Added tag 'c'
2017-07-20 10:58:48 helper Set author to 'Harteex + Topy44 + Zear', release date to 28 December 2011, platforms to Console Handheld, Gamepark GP2X, Linux, Mac OS X, Sega Dreamcast, Windows
2017-07-20 10:57:57 helper Added links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eR1KRIOV0AI, https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=58300
2014-06-17 20:40:45 ltk_tscc Set platforms to Linux, Windows
2013-01-10 16:18:58 gasman Added download link http://www.scene.org/file.php?file=/parties/2011/tum11/game/umg-tum2011-30-12-11-din-lin-win.zip&fileinfo