A 2MB ATARI STE Demo at 50Hz, with Fullscreen and 12.5kHz MOD Music, hundreds of colours, blitter zooming FX... Just insert the floppy in your 2MB Atari STe, or favorite emulator ! Or copy the .TOS file to the harddrive. Enjoy !
Thanks ! Yes, the MOD routine only takes few CPU at the end (5% without volume management), but requires more memory and also decreases the quality (6bit mixing instead of classical 7bits mixing). I have explained all this in the source file in the GitHub (and I have also a dedicated repo for the replay routine) if you are interested in the tricks.
Source code (or a link to it) is included in the archive or on the production page. Note this doesn't necessarily mean the production is free software (FOSS).
This production is inspired by or based on the Star Wars franchise.
A 2MB ATARI STE Demo at 50Hz, with Fullscreen and 12.5kHz MOD Music, hundreds of colours, blitter zooming FX...
Just insert the floppy in your 2MB Atari STe, or favorite emulator ! Or copy the .TOS file to the harddrive.
Enjoy !
Very cool!
Also a .mod routine using only 5% CPU time? Wow! :o
Thanks !
Yes, the MOD routine only takes few CPU at the end (5% without volume management), but requires more memory and also decreases the quality (6bit mixing instead of classical 7bits mixing). I have explained all this in the source file in the GitHub (and I have also a dedicated repo for the replay routine) if you are interested in the tricks.
Great stuff Uko, keep it going :)