Sommarhack 2024 Reminder

by Cerebral Vortex and Dead Hackers Society and Sector One

Invitation for Sommarhack 2024


  • Dan - Code (Additional: Sine generator)
  • Dma-Sc - Music
  • Emmanuel Marty - Code (Additional: ZX0 depacker)
  • Evil - Code
  • Ray - Code (Additional: LZ77 depacker)
  • Templeton - Graphics
  • spkr - Text (Additional: Parallax bars text)

Last edited on 21 Jul 2024 by ltk_tscc. See all edits


ltk_tscc - 09:08 26 May 2024 #

Sweet sweet... well done :)

troed - 09:59 26 May 2024 #

I am Troed of SYNC and I approve of the supplied text file :D :D :D

Great demo - love the fullscreen "new school effects".