Edit history for Vagrant / Slipstream

2024-06-02 10:15:29 Brittle Added link http://janeway.exotica.org.uk/author.php?id=64596
2024-06-02 10:15:19 Brittle Added Vagrant as a member of Trip
2024-06-02 10:14:58 Brittle Added Vagrant as a member of Rile
2024-06-02 10:14:15 Brittle Updated Vermillion's credit on Desolation: Music
2024-06-02 10:14:03 Brittle Updated Vermillion's credit on No Time: Music
2024-06-02 10:13:51 Brittle Updated Vermillion's credit on Retro4K: Music
2024-06-02 10:13:34 Brittle Updated Vermillion's credit on Christmastro (Nullabor 2006 Invite): Music
2024-06-02 10:13:13 Brittle Added link https://www.pouet.net/user.php?who=17311
2024-06-02 10:13:03 Brittle Added nick 'Vermillion'
2024-06-02 09:48:57 Brittle Added link https://www.youtube.com/@ED209rev1
2024-06-02 09:47:22 Brittle Edited nick 'WHO': changed name to 'WHO'
2024-06-02 09:46:50 Brittle Added link https://amp.dascene.net/detail.php?view=7985
2020-01-15 06:55:23 vagrant Edited nick 'Vagrant': changed name to 'Vagrant'
2020-01-03 10:55:51 vagrant Edited nick 'who': changed aliases to ''
2020-01-03 10:55:13 vagrant Set location to Australia
2020-01-03 10:54:54 vagrant Deleted nick 'Who'
2020-01-03 10:53:22 vagrant Added nick 'Who'
2020-01-03 10:47:40 vagrant Edited nick 'who': changed aliases to 'Who'
2020-01-03 08:04:44 vagrant Added credit for who on Chip Chop 15: Music
2020-01-03 07:48:50 vagrant Added nick 'who'
2019-12-31 02:59:49 vagrant Added nick 'vagrant'
2016-07-20 05:58:07 menace Added credit for ED-209 on Remember the 80s: Music
2016-07-20 05:53:49 menace Added link http://www.pouet.net/user.php?who=99454
2016-07-17 05:31:59 who Edited nick 'ED-209': changed aliases to 'ED209'
2016-07-17 05:31:00 who Set location to Perth, City of Perth, Western Australia, Australia
2016-07-17 05:30:37 who Set location to Perth, City of Perth, Western Australia, Australia
2015-01-14 04:32:46 dipswitch Added ED-209 as a member of Affinity
2015-01-14 04:32:11 dipswitch Removed ED-209 as a member of tRiP
2015-01-14 04:32:01 dipswitch Added ED-209 as a member of tRiP
2015-01-14 04:31:55 dipswitch Added ED-209 as a member of Broken
2015-01-14 04:31:27 dipswitch Set real name
2015-01-14 04:31:18 dipswitch Set location to Perth, Cambridge, Western Australia, Australia
2014-06-21 22:07:01 gasman Added ED-209 as a member of Slipstream