
Nastiness Inc.

Location: Netherlands

In march 1995, it was reported that Nastiness Inc. had been kicked from Avantgarde, consequently left Entropy and formed a new group called Angry.1

  1. Vandalism News #20 by Onslaught in march 1995. 

Productions (22)

Shout! #1 - Text
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Equinoxe and Fairlight Mar 1995
The Tribune #49 - Graphics (Charset), Text
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Entropy Dec 1994
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Entropy Dec 1994
Commodore 64 - Music
Nastiness Inc. / Avantgarde ^ Entropy Nov 1994
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Entropy Sep 1994
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Entropy Aug 1994
The Tribune #45 - Text, Graphics
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Entropy Jun 1994
The Tribune #44 - Graphics, Text
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Entropy Apr 1994
The Tribune #43 - Text, Graphics
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Entropy Mar 1994
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Entropy Feb 1994
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Entropy Dec 1993
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Entropy Nov 1993
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Entropy Sep 1993
The Tribune #38 - Text, Other
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Entropy Jun 1993
The Tribune #37 - Text, Other
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Entropy May 1993
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Entropy May 1993
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Entropy Apr 1993
The Tribune #32 - Graphics (+design), Text
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Warlords TMB Group Nov 1992
The Tribune #31 - Text, Music (as The Mighty Bulldozer)
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Warlords TMB Group Oct 1992
Wonderful Tunes and Graphics - Text, Music, Code (as The Mighty Bulldozer)
Commodore 64 - Slideshow
Warlords TMB Group Sep 1992
The Tribune #29 - Music (as The Mighty Bulldozer)
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Warlords TMB Group Jul 1992
The Tribune #28 - Music (as The Mighty Bulldozer)
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Warlords TMB Group Jun 1992

Last edited on 2 Mar 2025 by menace. See all edits