11th Hour (313/810)

Also known as

  • Eleventh Hour

Location: Melvin, Sanilac County, Michigan, United States

+1-313-254-07XX with Mko! as sysop eLEVENTHhOUR.
+1-810-254-07XX with Mko! as sysop mYfAVpORNo. 1
+1-313-XXX-XXXX with Marco Polo as sysop WWC94.NFO 2

Amiga/pc/console BBS in area code 313 (Detroit, Michigan). In an early 1994 BBS ad, a different number is listed in area code 810 (Michigan): +1-810-254-07XX. The nfo for Sea Wolf Cracktro actually identified the sysop as living in Melvin, Michigan.

It ran for Delirium in january of 1994, and for Hybrid in march 1994 (10 nodes).

  1. The 810 area code split from 313 in December 1993. 

  2. The 313 area code maybe out of date. 

Last edited on 4 Feb 2025 by ipggi. See all edits