Absence was an Atari Falcon demogroup founded 12.10.1995 at Stallion's home. Founders were: Avatar, Bull, Mr. Coke, Stallion and The Innovator.
In August 1996 the group went to Gigafun 1996 in Straßbourg (France) and won the 1st price in the demo-competition with their 'Joint Venture'-demo. Stallion won the 4th place and Bull won the 5th place in the graphics-competition.
On 20.10.1996 they officially announced to leave the Atari-scene to change completly to the PC (MS-DOS).
They later renamed themselves 'Absence.de' because of a name-conflict with a Polish group.
14.12.1996 - Allanon joins absence as coder.
In March 1997 absence was present at the Siliconvention 1997 in Bremen. Stallion won the 4th place and Bull won the 9th place in the graphics-competition. Front 6 made the 1st place in the multichannel-competition. Cole (female member) joins absence as graphician.
03.04.1997 - Lucky of ST joins absence as coder.
Projects in development: Projectname Vreath - a horizontal shooter.