Árok 2021 results and releases!

25 Aug 2021

Long-running C64 event Árok took place online last weekend and all the releases are now available for download. Lots of interesting things to look at or listen to once again!

Árok 2021 on Demozoo / scene.org

Results and (most) releases from névoke 2021

20 Aug 2021

As last year, this year's Evoke took place online and was known as 'névoke'. The results and most of the releases (a few are missing for an unknown reason) are now available, and by all accounts it appears this was a good year from a quantitative and qualitative point of view!

névoke 2021 on Demozoo / scene.org

Results and releases from ATWOODS Summer Open-Air 2021

16 Aug 2021

The results for the German C64-oriented outdoor gathering are now available. Not a tonne of releases, but some really nice ones as usual, with a cool A500 demo from TEK as a bonus!

ATWOODS Summer Open-Air 2021 on Demozoo

More summer parties goodness!

07 Aug 2021

As an equal opportunity database we would like to bring your attention to a few smaller events that took place recently. Have a look at the music tracks and the couple of demos that were released at Euskal 2021 in Spain, some fancy oldschool releases at High Coast Hack 2021 Summer in Sweden, a couple of Atari ST releases at ADN 2021 in France, and some pretty cool releases at @Party 2021 in the US.

F-F-F-FOUR demoparties in one weekend!

11 Jul 2021

That's right, no less than four demoscene events took place over the past few days: multiplatform Edison that happened online and in Stockholm this year, Atari 8-bit and ZX Spectrum event Lost Party that was an actual meetup in Poland, Atari-only Sommarhack that was also an online thing instead of at its usual Swedish hideout, and week-long extravaganza Underground Conference in Germany that closed its door on Sunday.

Edison 2021 on Demozoo / scene.org
Lost Party 2021 on Demozoo / scene.org
Sommarhack 2021 on Demozoo / scene.org
Underground Conference 2021 on Demozoo / scene.org

Gubbdata 2021!

07 Jul 2021

This years' Gubbdata happened over the weekend, and with it came a downright absurd amount of releases. Our friend and organizer Hedning has painstakingly added screenshots and info to give you the complete post-party experience, so you should really just get cracking and watch some stuff, listen to some sounds, and complain how it was all better in the old days, when you were young.

Gubbdata 2021 on Demozoo / scene.org


06 Jul 2021

QBParty took place last weekend in Hungary and the results and releases are now available, mostly for modern platforms with a few MS-DOS and C64 releases for good measure!

QBParty 2021 on Demozoo / scene.org

ZIPCMT - A tool to extract comments from .zip files

20 Jun 2021

Ipggi - demozoo user and admin of Defacto2.net - created a tool that allows users to extract comments from .zip files. "Comments?" you may ask? Ipggi explains:

"During the first half of the 1990s, it was common for BBSes to add ASCII and even ANSI text adverts onto ZIP file archives.
There are many thousands of BBS and FTP site adverts hidden in people's DOS and Amiga(?) zip file collections that I think are worth preserving by themselves."

Read more + get the tool:
github / pouet thread
demozoo prod page

Forndata Summer 2021 - results and releases!

11 Jun 2021

Forndata Summer 2021 took place online rather than on the beautiful island of Gotland, but that didn't stop the releases (Amiga and C64 mostly) to flood in, as you will no doubt see for yourself.

Forndata Summer 2021 on Demozoo / scene.org

Hurricane and Brutal 1992 pc demo compo unveiled!

07 Jun 2021

A lot of us that work on Demozoo are focused on preservation, and we spend a lot of our time sifting through dumps and captures, seeing if we can find one of the many things from our culture that has been deemed 'lost' or is unknown. Therefore, it is double exciting when we stumble onto something like this: staff member sensenstahl found the entire pc demo competition from the Hurricane and Brutal Summer Party 1992!

If you have a bunch of disks, tapes, harddrives or anything else you need help dumping, our team has a lot of experience in preservation - join our Discord and come chat with us in the #diskdumping channel. :)