
Anarchy Easter Conference 1991

  • 29th - 31st March 1991
  • Nyköpings Kommun, Södermanland, Sweden

Anarchy Easter Party 1991 was held at Oppeby-Skolan in Nyköping (Motala), Sweden for the Amiga scene. About 500 people attended. Entrance fee was 70 SKR for invited guests, and 100 SKR for everyone else. Alcohol was not permitted. Pizzas could be bought at the party place, and there was a shop quite close by, but both ran out of Coke and pizza during the party. The only serious problem during the party was that a someone put some firecrackers on fire inside the school so that the fire alarm went off. The fire department and the police came, and told the organizers the party was going to get stopped unless the guilty one came forward. He did, and the party went on.

23 demos were submitted, and 35 pieces of music were handed in for the competition. Just 12 musicians survived the preselection phase. There was a quite original votingsystem; all groups got the demodisks (6 disks) to their room, and each GROUP voted as one for the best three demos. Phenomena's first place entry in the demo competition won 6000SKR. Demos HAD to be singlefile and work on 512k amigas, entries for the music competition had to be delivered as executable files, and there was no graphics competition (despite one being announced in the invitation).

A second party was also held simultaneously in Sweden, the Horizon Easter Party 1991.

Results based on easterc.91r from


Amiga Demo

Amiga OCS/ECS - Demo
Amiga OCS/ECS - Demo
Amiga OCS/ECS - Demo
Amiga OCS/ECS - Demo
Amiga OCS/ECS - Demo
Amiga OCS/ECS - Demo
Amiga OCS/ECS - Demo
Amiga OCS/ECS - Demo


Tracked Music
Amiga OCS/ECS - Tracked Music
Tracked Music
Tracked Music

Last edited on 8 Apr 2022 by menace. See all edits