Hot Shoot +++M

by Ikari


Release date is an estimate, based on the same group's earlier release of the same game from september 2nd, as well as the pre-intro text saying "SEE YA AT THE PCW-SHOW IN ENGLAND!", which was held from the 16th to the 18th of september.

The intro also says, "thanx to zargon for the original", which we take to mean they got the game from the group Zargon Industries, which released their version of the game on september 8th. As far as we have been able to uncover, Ikari has never had a member called Zargon, making this the most likely scenario. They also greet the group Zargon in the cracktro, and Zargon greet them in their intro for the game.

The onscreen title is a misspelling of the game title - see the tag for more versions of the same game.

Single file, 122 blocks.


  • Excell - Code (intro, crack, trainer), Text

Last edited on 8 Mar 2016 by menace. See all edits

1 comment

menace - 12:16 8 March 2016 #

I estimate my amount of research here to be a completely rational amount of time to spend on a 1988 crack of a rather insignificant game. :P