
by New Beat



Jozz / Defekt 1994
Excellence In Art 1992

Last edited on 26 Aug 2021 by daniel. See all edits


ltk_tscc - 12:21 8 July 2018 #

The waterdrops-thing was really something original! :)

s_t_s - 20:29 8 July 2018 #

Does it run on bare Falcon ? Anyway even though it's not outstanding, there is definitely a good 90s vibe into this enjoyable demo ! Congrats to everyone involved in this cool demo !

evil - 20:37 8 July 2018 #

Hey Daniel, thank you for this demo, it really made the compo end on a great note. I can't find anything negative thing to say, perfectly polished from start to end.

daniel - 19:33 19 July 2018 #

Thanks Evil! And yes, it runs on a bare Falcon with 4MB of ST-RAM.

Sixx - 19:54 9 July 2019 #


daniel - 13:56 26 August 2021 #

Version 1.1 of MORE has been released (the download link has been updated).
This new version features compatibility with the 060 mode of CT6xx accelerated Falcons and a number of bug fixes. So no reason to switch to 030 mode anymore. Version 1.1 is identical, both visually and audibly, to the original version released at Sommarhack in July, 2018.

SynesthesiaRiFT - 10:32 19 January 2023 #

you murdered Jozz's track. your player doesnt do the "cycle waveforms" trick. Jozz used it to do pulsewidth. but your player killed that.

Rift actualy released a play routine that fixes that bug for the ste. you can get the source off bossman. if your going to use amiga chip modules please use a better playroutine