James Pond 2: Codename: Robocod, also known as Super James Pond, is a platform video game and sequel to James Pond. was originally released on the Amiga, Atari ST and Sega Genesis in 1991 by three different publishers. It was next ported to Amiga AGA, Amiga CD32, Game Gear, Commodore 64, Master System, PC, Acorn Archimedes, Game Boy and SNES. The SNES version was called Super James Pond in North America, and Super James Pond II in other regions. The Game Boy version was called Super James Pond in every region. It was later redeveloped and released as a budget title for the Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, and as a download on the PlayStation Portable and PlayStation 3 via the PlayStation Network store. More information on Wikipedia.
Order by: Release date | Title | Date added
D-Bug | Jan 2009 | |
Rising Sun | Jan 2005 | |
Paradox | Jun 1993 | |
Infernal Affairs | Jun 1993 | |
Alpha Flight | 1993 | |
Supplex | Nov 1991 | |
Skid Row | Nov 1991 | |
Punishers | Nov 1991 | |
Extensors | Nov 1991 | |
Legend | Nov 1991 | |
Surprise! Productions and Tristar and Red Sector Inc. | Nov 1991 | |
Richard Joseph | 1991 | |
Soldiers | ||
Factory | ||
The Replicants |