

2022-05-11 10:39:32 ipggi Updated Martial Artist as staff member of The Fault Line: set as current staff (link) (link2)
2022-05-11 10:39:24 ipggi Updated Seismic Intererance as staff member of The Fault Line: set as ex-staff (link) (link2)
2022-05-11 10:39:12 ipggi Added Seismic Intererance as staff member of The Fault Line (link) (link2)
2022-05-11 10:38:52 ipggi Edited notes (link)
2022-05-11 10:38:26 ipggi Added text ad (link)
2022-05-11 10:38:13 ipggi Edited notes (link)
2022-05-11 10:37:43 ipggi Added link https://defacto2.net/g/fault-line-bbs (link)
2022-05-11 10:36:52 ipggi Added Scour as a member of Graphics Rendered in Magnificence (link) (link2)
2022-05-11 10:33:54 ipggi Set location to United States (link)
2022-05-11 10:33:49 ipggi Added Jaelithe as staff member of The Dark Half (510) (link) (link2)
2022-05-11 10:33:20 ipggi Added text ad (link)
2022-05-11 10:31:17 ipggi Added text ad (link)
2022-05-11 10:30:19 ipggi Added text ad (link)
2022-05-11 10:29:37 ipggi Added link https://defacto2.net/g/sound-barrier-bbs (link)
2022-05-11 10:27:25 ipggi Edited notes (link)
2022-05-11 10:26:49 ipggi Edited notes (link)
2022-05-11 10:26:08 ipggi Added BBS Rivendell (201) as WHQ for Graphics Rendered in Magnificence (link) (link2)
2022-05-11 10:25:51 ipggi Added affiliation with BBS Rivendell (201) for Illuminatus Staff (link) (link2)
2022-05-11 10:24:44 ipggi Added affiliation with BBS Rivendell (201) for Prognosis (link) (link2)
2022-05-11 10:24:34 ipggi Added affiliation with BBS Rivendell (201) for ApeX (link) (link2)
2022-05-11 10:24:08 ipggi Set location to New Jersey, United States
2022-05-11 10:23:59 ipggi Added The Master as staff member of Rivendell (201) (link2)
2022-05-11 10:22:35 ipggi Added link https://defacto2.net/g/rivendell-bbs (link)
2022-05-11 10:22:24 ipggi Added text ad (link)
2022-05-11 10:22:11 ipggi Edited notes (link)
2022-05-11 10:19:18 ipggi Edited notes (link)
2022-05-11 10:17:54 ipggi Added Invalid Media as a member of Skism (link) (link2)
2022-05-11 10:17:46 ipggi Added Invalid Media as a member of Phalcom (link) (link2)
2022-05-11 10:17:31 ipggi Added BBS Unphamiliar Territory as Memberboard for Phalcom (link) (link2)
2022-05-11 10:17:11 ipggi Added BBS Unphamiliar Territory as Memberboard for Skism (link) (link2)
2022-05-11 10:16:48 ipggi Set location to United States (link)
2022-05-11 10:16:42 ipggi Set location to usa (link)
2022-05-11 10:16:32 ipggi Added Invalid Media as staff member of Unphamiliar Territory (link) (link2)
2022-05-11 10:15:59 ipggi Added tag 'unknown-bbs' (link)
2022-05-11 10:15:55 ipggi Added tag 'bbs-pc' (link)
2022-05-11 10:15:40 ipggi Added text ad (link)
2022-05-11 10:15:31 ipggi Added link https://defacto2.net/g/unphamiliar-territory-bbs (link)
2022-05-11 10:15:22 ipggi Added BBS 'Unphamiliar Territory' (link)
2022-05-11 10:14:10 ipggi Added BBS Houses Of The Holy as Distsite for PCP (link) (link2)
2022-05-11 10:14:00 ipggi Updated DWi's affiliation with Houses Of The Holy: changed role to Distsite (link) (link2)
2022-05-11 10:13:45 ipggi Edited nick 'DWi': changed name to 'DWi' (link)
2022-05-11 10:13:24 ipggi Updated DWI's affiliation with Houses Of The Holy: changed group to DWI (link) (link2)
2022-05-11 10:13:10 ipggi Added affiliation with BBS Houses Of The Holy for Downloading While Intoxicated (link) (link2)
2022-05-11 10:12:04 ipggi Added text ad (link)
2022-05-11 10:11:52 ipggi Set alternative names to HOH (link)
2022-05-11 10:09:06 ipggi Added link https://16colo.rs/group/rpm (link)
2022-05-11 10:06:40 ipggi Updated The Sheik as staff member of Kill Zone: changed role to co-sysop (link) (link2)
2022-05-11 10:06:31 ipggi Updated Sir Lancelot as staff member of Kill Zone: changed staff member to Sir Lancelot, changed role to co-sysop (link) (link2)
2022-05-11 10:06:03 ipggi Updated Daniel Potter as staff member of Kill Zone: changed staff member to Daniel Potter (link) (link2)
2022-05-11 10:05:47 ipggi Updated Sir Lancelot as staff member of Kill Zone: changed staff member to Sir Lancelot (link) (link2)