

2012-08-02 02:15:16 dipswitch Set real name (link)
2012-08-02 02:15:04 dipswitch Added Jim Goer as a member of Grinders (link) (link2)
2012-08-02 02:14:47 dipswitch Removed Jim Goer as a member of Grinders (link2)
2012-08-02 02:14:30 dipswitch Added Jim Goer as a member of Grinders (link2)
2012-08-02 02:14:01 dipswitch Set location to Poland (link)
2012-08-02 02:13:58 dipswitch Set real name (link)
2012-08-02 02:13:32 dipswitch Edited nick 'DJ Regal': changed aliases to 'Dj.Regal' (link)
2012-08-02 02:13:07 dipswitch Set location to Poland (link)
2012-08-02 02:13:04 dipswitch Set real name (link)
2012-08-02 02:12:44 dipswitch Added Cro as a member of Grinders (link) (link2)
2012-08-02 02:11:42 dipswitch Deleted scener 'Forcer'
2012-08-02 02:11:34 dipswitch Updated Forcer's credit on Tankard 2: Graphics (link) (link2)
2012-08-02 02:11:15 dipswitch Added link http://www.pouet.net/user.php?who=73860 (link)
2012-08-02 02:11:08 dipswitch Updated visibility of real name (link)
2012-08-02 02:10:54 dipswitch Added link http://www.michaelrytel.com/ (link)
2012-08-02 02:10:39 dipswitch Added Forcer as a member of Grinders (link) (link2)
2012-08-02 02:09:40 dipswitch Added link http://www.michaelrytel.com
2012-08-02 02:09:33 dipswitch Set location to Poland
2012-08-02 02:09:30 dipswitch Set real name
2012-08-02 02:08:13 dipswitch Added credit for XTD on Tankard 2: Music (link) (link2)
2012-08-02 02:07:54 dipswitch Added Shade as a member of Grinders (link) (link2)
2012-08-02 02:07:43 dipswitch Added credit for Shade on Tankard 2: Music (link) (link2)
2012-08-02 02:07:26 dipswitch Added credit for Revisq on Tankard 2: Music (link) (link2)
2012-08-02 02:07:07 dipswitch Added credit for Orb on Tankard 2: Music (link)
2012-08-02 02:06:49 dipswitch Added Orb as a member of Fuse (link2)
2012-08-02 02:06:22 dipswitch Added credit for Forcer on Tankard 2: Graphics (link)
2012-08-02 02:06:08 dipswitch Added credit for Fiszi on Tankard 2: Code (link) (link2)
2012-08-02 02:05:56 dipswitch Added credit for D.K. on Tankard 2: Other (Main Editor) (link) (link2)
2012-08-02 02:05:41 dipswitch Added link http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=59590 (link)
2012-08-02 02:05:30 dipswitch Added production 'Tankard 2' (link)
2012-08-02 02:03:50 dipswitch Added Forcer as a member of Grinders (link2)
2012-08-02 02:03:43 dipswitch Added Fiszi as a member of Grinders (link) (link2)
2012-08-02 02:03:24 dipswitch Set location to Poland (link)
2012-08-02 02:03:21 dipswitch Set real name (link)
2012-08-02 02:03:05 dipswitch Added DJ Regal as a member of Grinders (link) (link2)
2012-08-02 02:02:42 dipswitch Set real name (link)
2012-08-02 02:02:33 dipswitch Set location to Poland (link)
2012-08-02 02:02:19 dipswitch Added D.K. as a member of Grinders (link) (link2)
2012-08-02 02:02:03 dipswitch Set real name (link)
2012-08-02 02:01:48 dipswitch Set location to Poland (link)
2012-08-02 02:01:42 dipswitch Added Melkor as a member of Grinders (link) (link2)
2012-08-02 02:01:20 dipswitch Edited nick 'Grinders': changed name to 'Grinders' (link)
2012-08-02 01:59:20 dipswitch Added credit for Spotter on Back To Black: Graphics (link) (link2)
2012-08-02 01:59:11 dipswitch Added credit for Rebb on Back To Black: Music (link) (link2)
2012-08-02 01:58:59 dipswitch Added credit for Street Tuff on Back To Black: Other (Video) (link) (link2)
2012-08-02 01:58:41 dipswitch Added credit for Astaroth on Back To Black: Code (link) (link2)
2012-08-02 01:58:26 dipswitch Added download link http://trsi-technology.de/evoke_demo/b2b_TRSI.zip (link)
2012-08-02 01:57:59 dipswitch Added link http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=31659 (link)
2012-08-02 01:57:21 dipswitch Updated competition placing info for W64 in Evoke 2007 Wild / Alternative Platform competition (link) (link2)
2012-08-02 01:57:19 dipswitch Updated competition placing info for Rollerdie in Evoke 2007 Wild / Alternative Platform competition (link) (link2)