

2021-04-04 18:49:18 miker Added credit for Amaya on Star Blader: Graphics (Poster Design) (link) (link2)
2021-04-04 18:39:59 miker Added link http://www.retroguru.com/star-blader/ (link)
2021-01-01 10:37:10 miker Set author to 'Aaron Hitchcock' (link)
2021-01-01 10:35:25 miker Edited nick 'Igor Kromin': changed aliases to '' (link)
2021-01-01 10:35:06 miker Edited nick 'Igor Kromin': changed aliases to 'Atari Gamer' (link)
2021-01-01 10:34:34 miker Set author to 'Igor Kromin' (link)
2021-01-01 10:33:16 miker Set author to 'Lordkraken' (link)
2021-01-01 10:32:59 miker Added credit for LordKraken on RED: Code, Graphics, Music (link) (link2)
2020-12-06 21:18:26 miker Updated Sikor Soft's membership of Bit Busters: changed member to Sikor Soft (link) (link2)
2020-12-02 21:52:54 miker Set platform to Custom Hardware (link)
2020-11-22 16:07:27 miker Added link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UYusQ1sPVY (link)
2020-11-22 14:36:48 miker Added link https://atariage.com/forums/topic/313554-oxygene-be-abbuc-software-contest-2020-place-4/ (link)
2020-11-22 14:36:43 miker Deleted link https://atariage.com/forums/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=784343 (link)
2020-11-22 13:57:47 miker Added link https://atariage.com/forums/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=784343 (link)
2020-11-22 10:59:58 miker Added link http://www.atarimania.com/pgedump.awp?id=37184 (link)
2020-11-22 08:34:16 miker Set author to 'Sage' (link)
2020-11-22 08:33:50 miker Set author to 'Karri' (link)
2020-11-22 08:30:56 miker Set author to 'Keith Sea' (link)
2020-11-21 22:37:39 miker Set author to 'Igor Kromin' (link)
2020-11-21 22:35:27 miker Set location to Brisbane, Queensland, Australia (link)
2020-11-21 22:34:44 miker Added links: https://atarigamer.com/, https://atarigamer.itch.io/ (link)
2020-11-21 22:33:04 miker Set author to 'Igor Kromin' (link)
2020-11-20 06:03:43 miker Added link https://www.ppsberlin.de/ppsberlin/7-news/21-go-lucky (link)
2020-11-19 18:51:54 miker Added link http://matosimi.websupport.sk/atari/2020/08/detonationix-abbuc-swc-2020-entry/ (link)
2020-11-19 18:51:12 miker Set title to 'Tree Simulator' (link)
2020-11-19 18:50:38 miker Added link http://www.atarimania.com/pgedump.awp?id=37082 (link)
2020-11-19 18:46:00 miker Added link http://www.atarimania.com/pgedump.awp?id=37069 (link)
2020-11-19 18:45:26 miker Added link http://www.atarimania.com/pgedump.awp?id=37070 (link)
2020-11-19 18:44:47 miker Added link http://www.atarimania.com/pgedump.awp?id=37083 (link)
2020-11-17 20:44:56 miker Added 4 screenshots (link)
2020-11-17 20:41:56 miker Added 2 screenshots (link)
2020-11-17 20:39:15 miker Added 4 screenshots (link)
2020-11-17 20:32:46 miker Added credit for Sage on Slideshow256: Code (Lynx Slideshow Biulder) (link) (link2)
2020-11-17 20:13:10 miker Added credit for Bitman on Slideshow256: Graphics (& pictures conversion) (link) (link2)
2020-11-17 20:10:54 miker Added 4 screenshots (link)
2020-11-17 19:58:11 miker Added 4 screenshots (link)
2020-11-16 22:24:02 miker Added screenshot (link)
2020-11-16 22:22:26 miker Added screenshot (link)
2020-11-16 22:20:56 miker Added 2 screenshots (link)
2020-11-16 22:09:32 miker Added screenshot (link)
2020-11-16 22:06:20 miker Added 5 screenshots (link)
2020-11-15 20:43:43 miker Updated competition placing info for Twiddles! in ABBUC Software Contest 2020 Software competition (link) (link2)
2020-11-15 20:43:38 miker Updated competition placing info for Tree in ABBUC Software Contest 2020 Software competition (link) (link2)
2020-11-15 20:43:34 miker Updated competition placing info for Flagging Flamingos in ABBUC Software Contest 2020 Software competition (link) (link2)
2020-11-15 20:43:24 miker Updated competition placing info for Flagging Flamingos in ABBUC Software Contest 2020 Software competition (link) (link2)
2020-11-15 20:43:18 miker Updated competition placing info for They Are Many in ABBUC Software Contest 2020 Software competition (link) (link2)
2020-11-15 20:43:13 miker Updated competition placing info for Persistent in ABBUC Software Contest 2020 Software competition (link) (link2)
2020-11-15 20:43:07 miker Updated competition placing info for The Lady in ABBUC Software Contest 2020 Software competition (link) (link2)
2020-11-15 20:43:01 miker Updated competition placing info for Go Lucky in ABBUC Software Contest 2020 Software competition (link) (link2)
2020-11-15 20:42:48 miker Updated competition placing info for Detonationix in ABBUC Software Contest 2020 Software competition (link) (link2)