
Fix me beautiful

exocet - 14:33 28 November 2015 #

Thanks and welcome! I still have quite a few things to add :)

I was thinking... In cases of duplicate entries for a single scener, I guess it's easier for you if I transfer all the credits/info to one of the entry and ask you to delete the other one?

menace - 15:03 28 November 2015 #

exocet: That's exactly what we'd like, yes. If you're absolutely sure, make sure all info is transferred (in the case of different nicks, remember each entry can have several nicks), and then let us know and we'll fix the rest :)

Saga_Musix - 15:43 6 December 2015 #

So, if those two profiles are most likely the same person, shouldn't one of them be deleted? There's still an empty profile, which I guess should not be kept unless there is some evidence that there might be a second person with the same handle who's also from Sweden?

TheCollector - 07:52 15 December 2015 #

The download link of 151256 (The Big Sprite Demo) doesn't work (550 error).

ltk_tscc - 08:21 15 December 2015 #

TheCollector: Right now all my download-links on untergrund.net are off because they where moving servers and now experience some problems.

exocet - 00:28 20 December 2015 #


A few bits and bobs from me. I've done a bit of clean up on the entries for Ilkke (scener) and Pas Maters (group) as there were some duplicates.

Could you please delete:
http://demozoo.org/sceners/26122/ (old duplicate of Ilkke)
http://demozoo.org/groups/23980/ (old duplicate of Pas Maters)
http://demozoo.org/sceners/55962/ (old duplicate of Violator)
http://demozoo.org/productions/150090/ (dupe with http://demozoo.org/graphics/150089/ )

Could you change the type of the following to graphics (n00b mistakes by me):


menace - 11:09 20 December 2015 #

exocet: Thanks again for your contributions - awesome work :)

All your requested edits have been made. Protip; when you create a competition, you can define the type of productions, and then all the entries inherit that - so if you define the competition as "Graphics", then all entries are automatically graphics.

menace - 11:15 20 December 2015 #

exocet: And another thing; I see that several of the productions from JFF that you've screenshotted do not have available download links. I assume you have the files? scene.org would be more than happy to host those, feel free to upload :)

exocet - 13:10 20 December 2015 #

Thanks. I found out about that easy way to add party releases after I added my first few entries. Definitely a big time saver :)

Yep, I'll try to add to scene.org as many of those lost releases as I can in the next few weeks.

dma - 14:46 27 December 2015 #

http://demozoo.org/sceners/62801/ can be delete.
( http://demozoo.org/sceners/62771/ is that person already)

menace - 17:50 27 December 2015 #

dma: Fixed!

CONS - 00:15 31 December 2015 #

I wonder, why are several Nah-Kolor prods like this one:


listed in the trsi group release list under member productions?


What am i missing?

menace - 09:13 1 January 2016 #

CONS: Nah-Kolor used to be a subgroup of TRSI. If you scroll down below the members list of TRSI you'll see all their previous subgroups.

CONS - 20:47 1 January 2016 #

exactly. used to :)
So if i understand this correctly. Although they are no subgroup anymore, their newest releases do still appear in that list and could be considered (from an outside view) as TRSi productions.

It would make sense that the prods released by Nah Kolor during their time of Subgroup status appear in that list, but earlier or later independent prods should not.
I imagine its a technical issue to split those things properly and - if you follow my reasoning - might be solved one day :)

menace - 06:06 2 January 2016 #

CONS: Correct. I'm not sure if there is already a GitHub issue for this, but feel free to create one. You run across a great number of edge cases like this when creating a very custom database, like we do :)

exocet - 18:02 2 January 2016 #

Could you please delete the following entries:
http://demozoo.org/sceners/29870/ (dupe of http://demozoo.org/sceners/15829/ )
http://demozoo.org/groups/33986/ (dupe of http://demozoo.org/groups/29871 )

Also could you change the type of http://demozoo.org/productions/152109/ to 64k intro (my mistake)?

ltk_tscc - 19:08 2 January 2016 #

Exocet: Fixed :) btw... you should be able to change the production-type by yourself.

exocet - 21:41 2 January 2016 #

Lotek: thanks. I was trying to change the type directly on the competition listing and it didn't work there. Now I know how to do it ;)

CONS - 09:45 3 January 2016 #

@Menace. if you're aware of it, its all good. :)

Baudsurfer - 18:15 11 January 2016 #

Can you please delete http://demozoo.org/music/152280/ which is a dupe of updated with download links http://demozoo.org/music/152335/
Thank you.

ltk_tscc - 18:26 11 January 2016 #

Baudsurfer: dupe killed.

tassel - 20:40 13 January 2016 #

I have done some cleaning and i can't delete this Entry under productions: http://demozoo.org/productions/98027/

FYI: Laban-o-Rama is not a production, that is the name of Jerry's module used in LabaNation.

menace - 08:07 16 January 2016 #

tassel: Deleted. I also earlier did some cleanup on some of the other productions you had added earlier - you apparently had added all except the first credit to the comment field for the first credit :)

Anyway, welcome back to you and the group - come to Solskogen! :)

fenarinarsa - 14:31 26 January 2016 #

Real names:

Phan > Frédéric Desgreys

JPS > Jean-Philippe Salière

Brainwasher > Thierry Philippe


Nihondreamers > Japanime Motion Pictures (Amiga OCS/ECS)
> http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=12467
features gfx by The Dreamer, Nemo, God Brozos, Dr Manu, MG Ranma, Slaine (Lucien-Laurent Clercq), Goofy

menace - 19:09 26 January 2016 #

fenarinarsa: Welcome to Demozoo!

Two things; as for real names, we try and be smart about what we show and do not show. If the person in question explicitly says it is okay, or they have their name linked to their demoscene persona in a very public, current place (Pouet profile, twitter profile, facebook profile) then we'll allow it, but if else we try and respect people's privacy.

As for the production, feel free to add that yourself and add the appropriate credits - all users can do that quite easily either from the group page or the productions page. Let us know if you get stuck :)

argasek - 16:33 17 February 2016 #

Hi, can you remove the screenshot from http://demozoo.org/productions/144810/ ? I accidentally put it on this production (the proper one is http://demozoo.org/productions/144806/)



ltk_tscc - 19:31 17 February 2016 #

Argasek: removed :)

argasek - 17:47 22 February 2016 #

Thanks! :)

menace - 06:40 23 February 2016 #

argasek: On a related note - feel free to post "normal" screenshots, if it's 4 or more we automatically create the panorama in software. It's the whole reason we made that feature, so people wouldn't need to create those :)

sensenstahl - 17:07 23 February 2016 #

this prod is called "kaos" in the results. please add this as a note. thank you :)

ltk_tscc - 17:46 23 February 2016 #

Sensenstahl: added :)

dad1916 - 23:04 3 March 2016 #


Hoodlum released a lot of cracktros, this entry is ambigious.

menace - 06:53 4 March 2016 #

dad1916: I don't see what is unclear about that one? This is a production by Session, called "Hoodlum Cracktro" - probably a cracktro they made for the group Hoodlum for use in their future releases. It was not at all uncommon for cracking groups on the amiga to outsource their intros. Just think of all the classic ones Melon Dezign did for Crystal!

dad1916 - 13:18 4 March 2016 #

Oh yes, Melon Dezigns!!!!

I suppose as there is no download for this I was a bit confused as to what this prod was. I thought it was an unnamed Hoodlum cracktro.

All good :)

dad1916 - 12:16 5 March 2016 #

Could we remove

From my recall these never existed and were a product of misinformation.

menace - 07:01 7 March 2016 #

@dad1916: Thanks for the information, but at this time I'd rather leave them in there, and rather document the fact that they are perhaps not real until we can definitely say. They WERE corraborated by some evidence, as can be seen in the party reports from either event they were released at, so for now - I think we'll opt to document their dodginess rather than delete them from existence. Feel free to comment on them with this info, though!

tomaes - 15:31 13 March 2016 #

Speaking of "dad1916"; he added some spam links to http://demozoo.org/productions/153882/history/

Or maybe the site just acted up?

menace - 05:42 14 March 2016 #

@tomaes: I believe that was part of testing, to try and break things to see if they're reliable. He is in our slack team channel, and we've been discussing various code he may be interested in helping with.

You should come hang out too :)

SoLO - 10:05 19 March 2016 #

I messed up the screenshots here : http://demozoo.org/productions/116191/
Can you delete them so I can put the good ones instead

ltk_tscc - 13:20 19 March 2016 #

SoLO: They are gone :)

SoLO - 10:17 25 March 2016 #

Oops I don't know what happened but it seems I have uploaded the screenshots 2 times :
So if someone can delete the last 3 ones, it would be great
thanks :)

ltk_tscc - 10:39 25 March 2016 #

SoLO: Fixed that for you :) Would be cool if you add pouet and kestra links too for the amiga stuff.

SoLO - 12:13 25 March 2016 #

alright, I will try to do it ;)

SoLO - 12:13 25 March 2016 #

alright, I will try to do it ;)

Asle - 22:16 30 March 2016 #

to anyone who can, please add co-author to :
the co-author is Dr. Jive/Chrome. Each time I tried, the system wants to create a new group Dr. Jive ...
thx :)

ltk_tscc - 07:54 31 March 2016 #

Asle... the main problem is that you cannot at two authors plus two groups right now. It looks like this now:

Dr. Jive and Grade / Chrome

As they are both in the same group it fits for this entry.

Jazzcat - 19:48 2 April 2016 #

This was an old handle of mine, Jazzcat/Ghostown: http://demozoo.org/sceners/62473/

ltk_tscc - 20:21 2 April 2016 #

Jazzcat: merged :)

noname - 13:45 3 April 2016 #

Please remove the false note about Arise membership from my page:http://demozoo.org/sceners/1054/

Also unlink me from note in http://demozoo.org/groups/23394/

menace - 13:52 3 April 2016 #

@noname: Should be all fixed, now. Since a new member by that name was announced in an official intro by that group, I'll interpret you as that simply not being you, and have created a new scener entry with a disclaimer that the two are not to be confused. Hope that's accurate. :)

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