
Fix me beautiful

phoenix - 19:16 31 July 2020 #

https://demozoo.org/music/281578/ - please delete, dupe.

100bit - 19:49 31 July 2020 #

phoenix, k

ericorsio - 21:00 31 July 2020 #

'Nother one: Delete https://demozoo.org/productions/281580/ Again mistaken music entry for the 25Hz SID Compo as a prod.

Brittle - 02:47 1 August 2020 #

@ericorsio: deleted.

phoenix - 21:42 3 August 2020 #

https://demozoo.org/sceners/86665/ and https://demozoo.org/sceners/89438/ are the same guy and should be merged.

phoenix - 22:10 3 August 2020 #

https://demozoo.org/sceners/44387/, https://demozoo.org/sceners/65182/, and https://demozoo.org/sceners/86600/ are the same guy, merge please.

daniel - 22:22 3 August 2020 #


In the comment, nb.ataro.org should be changed to nb.atari.org

Brittle - 03:00 4 August 2020 #

@daniel: Done!

zbeng - 17:42 4 August 2020 #

This one: https://demozoo.org/sceners/53048/ needs to merge into https://demozoo.org/sceners/31669/.
(also associate https://demozoo.org/productions/74581/)

See his font also here:

Aint typos in scroll-texts a bitch?


ltk_tscc - 18:42 4 August 2020 #

zbeng: Fixed :)

ltk_tscc - 18:46 4 August 2020 #

phoenix: merged both :)

phoenix - 21:59 10 August 2020 #

https://demozoo.org/sceners/30743/ and https://demozoo.org/sceners/22728/ are the same guy, please merge (to 30743).

zbeng - 22:51 10 August 2020 #

In https://demozoo.org/productions/121499/ I put by mistake a wrong scrolltext.
Please delete the lower one "YO THERE! THIS IS STICK..." , and keep the upper one " HI LADIES AND oGENTLEMEN !...".


menace - 06:04 11 August 2020 #

phoenix: Merged.

Zbeng: Soooooo, I can't really tell which is which in the delete dialog, since they had the same name. So it was 50-50. Long story short, there are now no files there for the scrolltext. :/ If you still have the correct one, then you can upload it now at least.

thomas3 - 08:22 12 August 2020 #

Could you please merge these profiles, as both are me!



Saga_Musix - 14:25 12 August 2020 #


phoenix - 18:58 13 August 2020 #

Merge https://demozoo.org/music/19277/ into https://demozoo.org/sceners/10917/

phoenix - 18:59 13 August 2020 #

Sorry, meant https://demozoo.org/sceners/13900/ into https://demozoo.org/sceners/10917/

Saga_Musix - 22:18 13 August 2020 #


evolve - 22:57 13 August 2020 #

merge: https://demozoo.org/sceners/106438/ and https://demozoo.org/sceners/26596/ please :)

sensenstahl - 03:43 14 August 2020 #


guardian - 14:40 15 August 2020 #

Are these dupes?

Not exactly the same images but metadata are close


phoenix - 19:33 17 August 2020 #

https://demozoo.org/productions/266397/ is a dupe of https://demozoo.org/productions/270614/, please delete.

menace - 09:08 19 August 2020 #

phoenix: Someone already did I see :)

Dakti - 16:54 20 August 2020 #

That 2 profiles are duplicated, concern the same person, the 1) was first and is correct.
1) https://demozoo.org/sceners/70730/
2) https://demozoo.org/sceners/96583/
Thanks in advance for merge or delete the second profile.

100bit - 17:00 20 August 2020 #

Dakti, done

Dakti - 17:26 20 August 2020 #

Thanks a lot 100bit :) Can I also ask to create "Bhp" scener?

Dakti - 17:55 20 August 2020 #

Can I also ask to change the notes field on https://demozoo.org/sceners/56787/
from: dakti prefers his handle to be written all lowercase.
to: All tracks are available on the official homepage: http://dakti.ppa.pl

(where http://dakti.ppa.pl will ba active link to website). Thanks in advance.

velusip - 05:28 22 August 2020 #

There is great info about Scoop (pc demogroup, https://demozoo.org/groups/7545/) in the text file provided with this demo: https://files.scene.org/view/parties/1995/thegathering95/demo/luminous.zip

file codepage is Microsoft Nordic 865. (e.g. `:e ++enc=865` in vim.)

phoenix - 15:31 25 August 2020 #

https://demozoo.org/productions/268918/ and https://demozoo.org/productions/268919/ are duplicates of https://demozoo.org/productions/44939/, please delete them.

Also, https://demozoo.org/sceners/113965/ is a duplicate of https://demozoo.org/sceners/78059/.

phoenix - 16:54 26 August 2020 #

https://demozoo.org/sceners/26957/ and https://demozoo.org/sceners/42881/ are the same guy, please merge.

phoenix - 17:02 26 August 2020 #

https://demozoo.org/sceners/27850 and https://demozoo.org/sceners/31000/ are the same guy, please merge.

phoenix - 19:04 27 August 2020 #

https://demozoo.org/parties/4115/ - please change party series to The Trackering Music Compo, or else delete it so I can re-add it. Also delete The Trackering #1 party series.

phoenix - 19:16 28 August 2020 #

https://demozoo.org/music/283030/ - please delete, I don't know what happened here.

Should I just get admin/mod access or what? ;)

menace - 09:29 30 August 2020 #

phoenix: I'll look at your requests shortly, but please do come to http://slack.demozoo.org/ and talk to me about access levels, and we'll see if we can't sort something out :)

slummy - 20:42 1 September 2020 #

I suspect that https://demozoo.org/productions/137708/ is in fact https://demozoo.org/productions/152271/
I.e. that Divine Intervention was released at the Horizon easter party rather than the Swedish elite easter conference which was held during the same weekend.

Datormagazin #9 1990 mentioned that the winning Contex demo at Hz party was coded by Cycleburner, which D.I. is, and this also shows that he was at Hz party: http://www.atlantis-prophecy.org/recollection/?load=photos&sub=pic&id=107&page=0

Additionally, Divine Intervention was spread on the Horizon party collection (https://demozoo.org/productions/262960/) together with a Groovy Bits release (https://demozoo.org/productions/245296/) coded by Karl XII, who also appears to have been at the Hz party (ref: https://blog.chordian.net/2019/04/30/horizon-easter-party-in-1990/#jp-carousel-6025)

menace - 10:46 2 September 2020 #

Slummy: Comppelling evidence, so I agree - it seems very likely. Making the change.

phoenix - 17:17 3 September 2020 #


Please delete, seems that when entering compo results, it sometimes automatically adds whatever you type in as a new entry. Would be nice to be able to turn that off.

sensenstahl - 18:28 3 September 2020 #

phoenix: done

phoenix - 20:58 3 September 2020 #

https://demozoo.org/sceners/11570/ and https://demozoo.org/sceners/11521/ are the same guy, please merge.

phoenix - 22:49 4 September 2020 #

Merge https://demozoo.org/sceners/67451/ with https://demozoo.org/sceners/25430/

phoenix - 23:03 4 September 2020 #

Sorry, don't do the second merge above.. Ded Silence and Distorted Silence are two different guys.

menace - 19:09 6 September 2020 #

Merged the Dustbin's then.

phoenix - 15:41 8 September 2020 #

https://demozoo.org/productions/283389/ - delete, it was already here.

100bit - 15:43 8 September 2020 #


phoenix - 19:40 8 September 2020 #

I don't think Cosmic (Mathias Ksoll) and CosmicOllie aka Cosmic (Oliver Borgardts) are the same guy.

musician, active in the mid 90s (e.g. Radical Rhythms)

3D artist, active in the 2000s/10s (e.g Nuance)

Does somebody know something about him/them that I don't?

phoenix - 20:24 8 September 2020 #

https://demozoo.org/sceners/65596/ and https://demozoo.org/sceners/82657/ are the same guy, please merge.

Saga_Musix - 11:11 9 September 2020 #

Fulgurator was merged. Those two Cosmics are definitely not the same person, I didn't do anything about it yet because there's a lot of manual work to be done which I don't have time for right now.

mike - 13:07 9 September 2020 #




it's me, same guy :) please merge me :)

menace - 13:15 9 September 2020 #

mike: Hahaha. Merging you now :D

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