found in the first BAD artpack, states the group had been creating ANSI artworks since early 1992. Some artists of Aces of Ansi Art used BAD in their 1990 era artworks, but that is an unrelated BAD association of sysops.
BAD Art Pack (01/1993) (january 1993) listed Black Knight, Section 8, Persecutor, Number Cruncher and Squirrel as members at that time. BAD Art Pack (08/93) (august 1993) explained, "BAD has not merged with Assault. I KNOW that's what it says in IRIDIUM, I KNOW that's what Dreadnought posted on several nets, BUT we just haven't. Things didn't work out (mentioned below), so we're now two seperate groups that work together on projects. As mentioned in last month's pack, we've been approached by many groups to merge with. As it turns out, around fifteen minutes after BAD-0793 was released, Color Blind (formerly G-MoNeY) of EViL told me that his group would be more than happy to merge with BAD. Through the EViL merger, we gained Color Blind, our new Senior Member, who has gone out of his way to get BAD going strong. Along with him came Crypt Keeper, Sir Psycho Sexy, and LiQUiD. Unfortunately, we were unable to grab Primal Energy before ACiD took him. We are fully behind (pushing) him (off a cliff) in his pursuit for excellence. Also mentioned in the last pack, we also wanted to merge with SoLo. As a result of this, the only member we got was Zodiac, a new coder. The rest of the group went to MaX (I beleive), but having Zodiac is better than having the rest of the group. Beleive it or not, he did some code without being asked to. I know, it's a amazing, but it actually was done. Check out his request form generator. We were also VERY lucky to be able to have Section 8 and Squirrel come back to the group from iCE. They thought the last pack was really great and combined with some problems with iCE, they decided that joining back up with BAD would be in their best interest."