Euskal 2020 results and releases

04 Aug 2020

Historic Basque event Euskal has grown into a lot more than a demoparty in the past decade, but traditional competitions are still held every year and always attract some interesting releases. The 2020 edition was held at the end of July and the results and releases are now in.

Euskal 2020 on Demozoo /

FieldFX 2020, over and out

27 Jul 2020

FieldFX, the "mini demoparty at Electromagnetic Field" that's usually held in a field somewhere in England but was-an-online-event-this-year-can-you-guess-why took place last weekend. The number of releases saw a massive jump compared to the previous edition and includes what is probably the only version of Bad Apple you want to watch in full.

FieldFX 2020 on Demozoo /

Flash Party 2020 results and releases

21 Jul 2020

The 10th edition of the only (?) South-American party was virtually held in Argentina last weekend and the releases are now all in, and very impressively every single one of them has a screenshot (big up to our contributor Arlequin!). Have a look, there's something for everyone, both oldschool and newschool.

Flash Party 2020 on Demozoo /

Plenty of sun left in the virtual forest

16 Jul 2020

The long-running Norwegian demoparty took place last weekend, albeit as an online-event this year (starting to see a pattern here?). Nonetheless, digital attendance was high, spirit boisterous, and the releases plentiful! Click below and see for yourself.

Solskogen 2020 on Demozoo /

Lost Party 2020 has been found!

13 Jul 2020

(Apologies for the lame pun) Lost Party, the new kid of the block of the Polish 8 bit demoparties, was held last weekend and the releases are now in. As usual, expect pretty and melodious things for the Atari 8 bit and C64.

Lost Party 2020 on Demozoo /

Edison 2020 results and releases

10 Jul 2020

The "Digital Beach Demoparty" is over and the tide has brought us a nice selection of newschool and oldschool releases that are ready to delight you between two dips in the ocean. Enjoy, but remember — wear sunscreen.

Edison 2020 on Demozoo /

Sommarhack 2020 marks the start of summer season for the Atari scene

06 Jul 2020

The Atari scene had their usual Swedish summer pow wow last weekend and it seems like the fact the event was happening online this year (guess why) didn't dampen people's enthusiasm. On the contrary, as they delivered a proper smorgasbord of amazing ST and Falcon releases!

Sommarhack 2020 on Demozoo / Fujiology

Gubbdata 2020 smashes records, takes names, chews bubblegum

30 Jun 2020

You read that right - this past weekend our friends at Gubbdata held their 2020 edition online, and it seems there is some fire in the old bones yet. There was a RECORD amount of submissions, and some really really really stunning releases came out. Our tireless worker drones (and also hedning. Actually mostly hedning.) have been at it around the clock to get those goodies out to you, and the fruits of the labour can now be enjoyed at the destinations below.

Gubbdata 2020 on Demozoo / on

Nova Online 2020 releases are in!

22 Jun 2020

BBC Micro! Acorn Archimedes! Teletext! Executable graphics! Check out the results and releases of the most British demoparty that took place last weekend — online this time, like many things those days.

Nova Online 2020 on Demozoo /
Stream available on Twitch

Nova is live!

19 Jun 2020

Just a reminder that Nova is this weekend, and you can tune in to their most excellent video stream at: