World Elite v1.0

by Tristar and Red Sector Inc.

Advert for 2 The Coma, Acid House, Acid Slam, Airbrush, Akira (416), Amiga Line Freaks, Amiga Trash, Angel Dust, Apocalypse Now (02154), B4 Darkness, Bandit's BBS, Basis, Bates Motel, Bigger And Deffer, Biohazard (905), Bird of Prey, Bit Jungle, Black Krypt, Black Skyline, Blasphemy, Blind Date, Blood Street, Blue Obzession, Blue Thunder, Bodycount, Border Line, Brain Crash, Breaking The Wall, Brooklyn Empire, Burning Chrome, Camelot, Celtic Cross, Cemetary, Central Link, Central Park, Central Point, Chain Reaction, Chess House, Child In Time, China Town, Circus Maximus, Cobra, Code Of Honor, Comedy Iceland, Conami, Consolia, Crashpoint, Creeping Death (0711), Crippen Palace, Crying Fields, Cyberdyne Network, Cyclone Center, Cypress Hill (02241), Cypress Hill (0761), Damage Inc., Damaging Evidence, Danger Zone, Dark Dungeon, Darkland, Day & Night, Dead Hole, Deep Thought, Delirium II, Detroit, Diabolo, Digital Dreams (0203), Digital Implosion, Digital Psychosis, Digital Underground, Doping, Down To Earth, Dragnet, Drain Pipe #2, Dream Land, Dream Machine, Dreamscape (05442), Drive By Shootin', Dyers Eve, Eastern Front, Echo BBS, Eek a Mouse, Enigma, Enigma (089), Euro Node, Euro Trade Center, Europe's Chaos, Europes Heart, Event Horizon, Evil Dead, Fantasia, Far North, Fastway, Fatal Illusion (07665), Final Frontier, Fire and Ice, Flash (0531), Fline, Flying Saucer, Fortress, Foxx's Den, French Kiss, Full House, Future Shock, Future Zone, GT, Garden of Eden, Genesis 3, Getaway, Hall of Fame, Hangloose, Hardcrash, Heavens Gate (06833), Hellbound (0511), Hellfire (0511), Hexer's Home, High Tension, Homeless, House of Coolness, House of Games, HyperSpace, Hysteric High S., Ice City, Ice Cream, Iceberg, Ignition, Illegal Connection, Imagery, Insanity Flight, Instant Karma, Intec System, Interactive, Invisible Crime (06173), Invisible Crime (0621), Iron Home, Joint Point, Joker's Den, Kickin' Ass, Kult, Lady Di, Land Of Frosties, Last Chance, Leviathan, Life & Soul, Light House, Light House, Live, Los Endos, M3-Evolution, MCI Escapes, MNC, Mach V, Mad Mad World, Madman's Sanktuary, Magic Zone, Magical Zone, Mainline, Maniac Mansion, Master and Servant, Maxim's, Maxxed Out, Mea Culpa, Megabyte, Melmac, Mercyful Fate, Metal Church, Metal Connextion, Metal Decade, Micro Machine, Microbox, Midnite, Millenium, Minas Morgul, Mind Bomb, Missing Link, Moria, Morphic Fields, Mysterious Art, Nausea, Necromantik, Neverland (0911), Next Level, Nonstop Up'n'Down, North Line, North Star Land, Nuclear Assault (416), Nuclear Fallout (0721), Off Limits, Painkiller, Palace, Paradise, Party Line, Peace Chapel, Perfect Illusion, Phantom, Pirate Isle, Pirate's Pit, Place Of Delight, Planet Love, Plastic Passion, Pleasure Dome, Point Of No Repeat, Poison Data, Presumed Innocent, Progressive House, Psycho Terminal, Puma, Pump Action, Rapsody In Blood, Rebels' Hideout, Red Alert, Red Label, Red Light District, Red Rain, Red Rocks, Religion, Robin's First Orgasm, Robotics City, Royal House, Sado City, Scream!, Secom City, Second World, Secret Chamber, Secret World, Shadow Run, Sin City, Sky Tower, Somewhere Online, Speedbox, Spheroid, Spiders Web, Static Chaos, Station X Omega, Stonehenge, Suffocation, Suicidal Tendency, Susperia, Synergy, Teboil, The Addiction, The Belgian Way, The Brewery, The Channel, The Coven (613), The Crypt (05151), The Curse, The Factory, The Forest, The Fuck Shop, The Hidden (0202), The Hole, The Hood (02151), The Jam, The Judge, The Larch, The Last Generation, The Next Generation, The Night Club, The Northern Palace, The Notice, The Rave Factory, The Source, Throne Chamber, Tombstone, Transition, Ultimate Solution, Unlimited Success, Valhalla, Vendetta, Virtual Reality, Wares Unlimited, Warped Reality, Waste Gate, Wasted Time, Watchtower, Who Cares, Wicked City, Woody's World, Zero City II


Some of the boards included in the list were most likely not online anymore by 1995, so the mentioning of the boards in this release should not necessarily be seen as an indicator of them being online in 1995.



Tito / Candela Apr 1995

Last edited on 11 Sep 2022 by dipswitch. See all edits