


Anadune is a Polish demo group, originally formed on the Amiga in september 1993 by Dr. Greg, Kazinsky, Artur and Zibi. While originally an Amiga group, they later branched out onto other platforms. Historical overview on these pages based on the nfo file for their november 1999 demo Y'aga.

Daniel (code) joined shortly after the group was formed in september 1993, and Kazinski changed his handle to Kazik.

Daniel left in 1994. The group attended Intel Outside 1994 in august and Gelloween 1994 in november - and released their first ever production at the latter, the slideshow Impast. At some point during the year, Artur changed his handle to Mr. Acryl, and Zibi changed his handle to Zeebi.

In 1995, Losiu (swapper), Andy (modemtrader), Blackwine (code music) and Sharp (swapper graphics) all joined from Megapoint. The group attended Eastern Conference 1995 in april, where they released the demo Collage. Rekin (code) joined, and changed his handle to Mario. At Intel Outside 1995 the group released the demo Infliction. Norman (swapper) joined from Rektum, and Green (raytracer) joined from Beton Design. December brought along The Party 1995, and Anadune released the demo Foundation there.

In 1996, Spoonman (sysop) joined, and Mario was asked to leave the group due to inactivity. Robson (coder) joined from Scalaris in june (but left the scene later that same year) and Revisq (music) joined from Legion. Lazur (graphics) joined from TRSI. In march, the group released both the Cyberspace Preview and the full Cyberspace slideshow from Kazik. This was followed by another pair of slideshow releases; Lazur's Wild Preview in april and the full Wild in may. Action (swapper) joined from Damage. Qba (swapper) also joined, though he retained his membership in his other groups Nah-Kolor and Public Image Limited. At the Polish Summer Party 1996 in june, they release the demo Sunrise. In august at Intel Outside 1996, Madbart (modem trader) joined the group. Then followed the release of Sound Garden Preview in september, Gravity 1996 Invitation in october and finally the full Sound Garden musicdisk at Gravity 1996 itself in november. Sharp was kicked out of the group at the end of the year.

At Rush Hours 1997 in february, two releases were made; a demo called Y'on in cooperation with Floppy and a 64k intro called Versor.

Productions (40)

Windows - Demo
Anadune and Floppy Apr 2009
Windows - Demo
Anadune Aug 2008
Windows - Demo
Anadune Aug 2008
Windows - Demo
Anadune Mar 2008
Windows - Demo
Anadune Aug 2007
Windows - Demo
ALLien Senses and Anadune Apr 2007
Windows - Demo
Anadune and Nah-Kolor Apr 2006
Windows - Demo
Anadune and Nah-Kolor Mar 2005
Windows - Demo
Anadune and Nah-Kolor Jul 2003
Windows - Demo
Anadune Oct 2002
Windows - Demo
Anadune Apr 2001
Amiga AGA - Slideshow
Anadune and Madwizards Nov 1999
Amiga AGA - Demo
Anadune Nov 1999
MS-Dos - Slideshow
Anadune Aug 1999
MS-Dos - Invitation
Anadune Jul 1998
Amiga AGA - Slideshow
Anadune Jan 1998
Amiga AGA - 64K Intro
Anadune Dec 1997
Amiga AGA - 64K Intro
Anadune Aug 1997
Amiga AGA - Demo
Anadune Aug 1997
Amiga AGA - 64K Intro
Anadune Jul 1997
MS-Dos - Invitation
Amnesty and Anadune Jul 1997
Amiga AGA - Invitation
Anadune and Przyjaciele Stefana B. May 1997
Amiga AGA - 64K Intro
Anadune Feb 1997
Amiga AGA - Diskmag
Anadune 1997
Amiga AGA - Invitation
Anadune 1997
Amiga AGA - Demo
Anadune and Floppy Dec 1996
Amiga AGA - Musicdisk
Anadune Nov 1996
Amiga AGA - Demo
Anadune Nov 1996
Amiga AGA - Musicdisk
Anadune Sep 1996
Amiga AGA - Diskmag
Anadune Aug 1996
Amiga AGA - Demo
Anadune Jun 1996
Amiga AGA - Diskmag
Anadune Jun 1996
Amiga AGA - Slideshow
Anadune and Nah-Kolor May 1996
Amiga AGA - Slideshow
Anadune Apr 1996
Amiga AGA - Slideshow
Anadune Mar 1996
Amiga AGA - Slideshow
Anadune Mar 1996
Amiga AGA - Demo
Anadune Dec 1995
Amiga AGA - Demo
Anadune Sep 1995
Amiga AGA - Demo
Anadune Apr 1995
Amiga AGA - Slideshow
Anadune Nov 1994

Last edited on 14 Feb 2025 by menace. See all edits