Logic System

Location: Gemeente Noordwijk, South Holland, Netherlands

Area code 01714, which is an old area code for Noordwijk. A 1995 bbs ad said "SiNCE 1990 ONLiNE iN THE NETHERLANDS".

Telephone number in 1998: +31-71-36473XX

Listed in European BBS List (Europes Ghost List) April 1991 (april 1991) as independent.

Logic System ran for 2000 A.D. in 1993, an august 1994 nfo had it listed with 8 nodes. It ran for TRSI between september 1993 (3 nodes) and august 1994, and for TRSI and Faith in july of 1995.1

A leaked capture of the board's 2000 A.D. internal files/messages area from 1993 can be found here.

Last edited on 27 Feb 2025 by dipswitch. See all edits