An absolutely crucial and unique PC demoscene hub, comparable to pouet or Before the ubiquitousness of the internet, this was really the place to go in Europe when it came to downloading demos and seeing lots of legendary people calling and chatting. I remember I was in absolute awe about this board when I finally dared to call it from Germany, and I regretted not being able to stay logged on for a meaningful amount of time, as it was so expensive to call.
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An absolutely crucial and unique PC demoscene hub, comparable to pouet or Before the ubiquitousness of the internet, this was really the place to go in Europe when it came to downloading demos and seeing lots of legendary people calling and chatting. I remember I was in absolute awe about this board when I finally dared to call it from Germany, and I regretted not being able to stay logged on for a meaningful amount of time, as it was so expensive to call.